Robins is a Swedish late-night talk show which premiered on SVT2 on August 23, 2006. The host is the young stand-up comedian Robin Paulsson from Malmö. The show's format is similar to that of other late-night shows, Robin makes jokes about recent news, shows sketches, and talks to a guest in the studio. One of the most popular sketches in the show features Robin appearing as Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović.
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson is a talk show hosted by Johnny Carson under The Tonight Show franchise from 1962 to 1992. It originally aired during late-night. For its first ten years, Carson's Tonight Show was based in New York City with occasional trips to Burbank, California; in May 1972, the show moved permanently to Burbank, California. In 2002, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson was ranked #12 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.
Daily interviews discussing the guest's personal lives and national contingency.
In conversation with... Japan expert Robert Campbell sits down with individuals from all walks of life whose drive and perspectives are changing Japan.
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Rachel Nichols sits down with the most compelling figures in basketball to tell the biggest and most important stories in the game.
Ven Acá... con Eugenia León y Pavel Granados
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Professional darts players and comedians team up for a knockout tournament.
Stand-up comedian Michael McIntyre sits in the interviewer's chair for the very first time, as he welcomes celebrity guests to chat, bringing his own unique brand of humour to the conversation.
Musicians Talks
Charkh (Persian: چرخ lit. "wheel") is an Iranian television talk show that has aired on IRIB TV4 since 2015.[1] Each episode focuses on scientific topics and is approximately 75 minutes in length. The series airs every working day-night (six days a week).
Your favorite 90 Day couples bare it all – the lies, the secrets and everything we couldn’t show on TV. This companion series to 90 Day Fiancé puts cast members in the hot seat where they reveal pivotal information and speak completely uncensored.
Host Sébastien Kfoury and his team once bring guest stars face to face with their animal counterparts in a festive late-night atmosphere.
Two Quebec personalities candidly discuss the “firsts” that have marked their professional lives and shaped who they are both on and off camera. Our guests will also experience other unique “firsts” on the show. Emotions will run high as guests share personal secrets, reunite with long-lost friends, watch surprise variety numbers.
A unique all-access pass to your favourite Quebec stars in a friendly, timely and entertaining format that matches the hosts’ personalities.
Phil s'invite
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The Tyra Banks Show, also known as and shortened to Tyra or The Tyra Show, is an American talk show hosted by Tyra Banks. The last new episode aired on Friday, May 28, 2010. The show featured many special guest stars which include Mike Epps, Cheryl Tiegs, Miley Cyrus, LL Cool J, Rihanna, Michael Rapaport, and Robbi Morgan.
Terry Wogan's Friday Night