Battleground is a mockumentary comedy-drama television series created by J. D. Walsh streamed on Hulu. The show follows a group of political campaign staffers working to elect a dark horse candidate to the U.S. Senate in the battleground state of Wisconsin. Walsh serves as executive producer alongside Hagai Shaham and Marc Webb. The show marks Hulu's first foray into original scripted programming. It premiered online on February 14, 2012.
Follow Indian Premier League champions Mumbai Indians through the 2018 season in this series featuring insider insights and intense cricket action.
This docuseries follows English soccer club Sunderland through the 2017-18 season as they try to bounce back after relegation from the Premier League.
This docuseries follows the 2011 sexual assault case involving French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn at the height of his career.
Audiences are invited to look back at The 2010s, a turbulent era marked by political and social upheaval, culminating in the single most dramatic year of the 21st century: 2020. It was a decade in which social media transformed society and streaming upended entertainment, resulting in genre-defying music and ushering in the era of "peak TV".
Face à face pour l'Élysée
Petites phrases, grandes conséquences
A boy’s brutal murder and the public trials of his guardians and social workers prompt questions about the system’s protection of vulnerable children.
A series about the evolution of various spheres of Ukrainian culture and its modern heroes. This is the result of 100+ interviews and stories about how whole layers of culture were created in Ukraine. It is an attempt to capture the outbreak that is happening today and that we are waiting for tomorrow, to understand the strengths and weaknesses, identify trends and find answers to questions that concern. Each episode reveals an important topic: from the phenomenon of Ukrainian pop music and clipmaking to movies, comedy, street art and local clothing brands.
The show documents each of the Presidents in the union, starting with George Washington, following a chronological order up until George W. Bush. Each President's segment begins with the narrator giving a brief dossier about each one, from their political affiliation, family, and notable traits. The show then highlights the history behind each presidency, linking each one to the following.
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The right to vote is at the foundation of America's democracy. But not every vote is created equal. How does the system work, and can it be fixed?
A group of high school students navigate love and friendships in a world of drugs, sex, trauma, and social media.
Il candidato va alle elezioni
Go behind the scenes of a notorious NBA owner's racist remarks, captured on a tape heard around the world, charting a collision between a dysfunctional basketball organization and even less functional marriage, and the precipitating tape's impact on an ensemble of characters striving to win against the backdrop of the most cursed team in the league.
The story of model student Se-hoon, who goes to the student council elections as a running mate to renew his image, and gradually becomes the core of the election.
A teenager is charged with lying about her rape allegation, but two determined investigative female detectives discover a far more sinister truth.
High adrenaline Swedish political thriller from the creative talent behind Humans – An extreme right-wing party is heading towards its best election result when the chief of staff at the Justice Department disappears without a trace. Racism, immigration and nationalism are explored in this series praised by New York Times.
FAME, MONEY, POWER, SEX!! Yes!!! This is the dream of America! Las Vegas, New York, Miami, Los Angeles. How do Latvians live in America? Follow Intars Rešetins on his wild trip to find out!
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