Set in a world where humanity has lost control of the oceans to the “deep sea fleet,” the only hope to counter this threat are the Kanmusu, a group of girls who possess the spirit of Japanese warships. The story revolves around Fubuki, a destroyer who comes to the Chinjufu base to train with other Kanmusu. Watch as their stories unfold!
Welcome to the fascinating world of Gensokyo, in which youkai, animals and some humans live, completely separated from our world by a magical barrier. The only gateway between the two worlds is the Hakurei shrine. Reimu Hakurei is the maiden working at said shrine. Whenever problems of supernatural causes occur, Reimu goes out with her friends to investigate, eliminate the cause and hopefully restore Gensokyo to its equilibrium.
Rookie Jianghu and swordsman Xiao Yao Sheng have defeated the baby-eater that caused Chang’an, but they now find themselves falling into a bigger mystery. They traveled to the distant Spirit Beast Village and met the beautiful Demon Fox Girl, the Bone Elves, and people of all kinds of inhabiting Jianghu along the way. They gained growth and friendship, but are now entangled in a greater crisis: a dispute between immortals and demons. The animation will combine elements such as martial arts, fantasy, blood, adventure, and more, to present to the audience a tale of ups and downs in legendary stories!
The series follows the adventure of Bearers of Light's Core that will shape the destiny of the world.
The boy Danka, along with the sorceresses Mishka and the Cat, save the fairy forest from villains
The story of how to solve the global environmental disaster in an inhuman way
Truca quan arribis
A boys’ school film club is the backdrop for three tales of new romance. Mao and Hisashi pair up for a project, make three promises, and draw closer together in the process. The club president, Jin, and a jealous junior named Giichi clash before finding common ground. Shion, a first-year student, joins the film club in search of a boyfriend and butts heads with Rei—until Rei asks him on a date.
Parasite Island
Le Bigdil
Restless in her marriage, Slip follows Mae through a surreal journey of parallel universes, married to different people, trying to find a way back to her partner, and ultimately, herself.
Once Again
Rabia - El Reino Oscuro
The Shadownsters
Magkaibang Mundo
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