Big Brother is an Australian reality show based on the international Big Brother format created by John de Mol. Following the premise of other versions of the format, the show features a group of contestants, known as "housemates" who live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world. The housemates are continuously monitored during their stay in the house by live television cameras as well as personal audio microphones. Throughout the course of the competition, housemates are evicted from the house - eliminated from the competition. The last remaining housemate wins the competition and is awarded a cash prize.
Malas Pulgas
El bus
Equipo G
Secret Story
The Philippine adaptation of the reality game show "Big Brother" features Filipino housemates live together, share their stories and build meaningful relationships as they do tasks and challenges supervised by Big Brother. Every week a nomination is done, and the public decides who gets evicted and eventually become the Big Winner of the program.
Hollywood Girls
American version of the reality game show which follows a group of HouseGuests living together 24 hours a day in the "Big Brother" house, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy for three months.
The Telugu version of the reality show where a number of contestants (known as "housemates") live in a purpose-built house and are isolated from the rest of the world. Each week, housemates nominate two of their fellow housemates for eviction, and the housemates who receive the most nominations faces a public vote out.
Való Világ
Brazilian version of the reality game show in which a group of houseguests live together 24 hours a day, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy. Each week a guest is voted out of the house until only the winner remains.
The agents at the all-female, Black-owned Allure Realty mix business with fun as they rule the waterfront of a hot Tampa luxury real estate market.
In 2017, Spain suffered two terrorist attacks perpetrated by young members of its community. How could this happen? This incisive series investigates.
Días de tele
Otro enfoque
Españoles en conflictos
Mesa para cinco