Set in the 1990's, high school student Ayu lives with her mother and grandmother in Fukuoka. She works as a model, but, to pursue an acting career, she goes to Tokyo with her grandmother. While attending a high school, she picks up acting work, but only minor roles. One day, Ayu meets Masa, who is the executive director of record label A Victory. He decides to make Ayu into a singer. According to Masa, Ayu prepares to make her debut as a singer. Meanwhile, she encounters jealousy from rivals at her record label. Trusting Masa, Ayu endures her problems. She also develops feelings for Masa and Masa also holds feelings for her.
Naomi Watanabe hosts a reality show in which eight young actors perform kissing scenes in a drama. Then the camera follows them to see if sparks fly!
乃木坂世界旅 今野さんほっといてよ!
"7.2 New Another Window" (7.2 Atarashii Betsu no Mado) is a variety show distributed on the Internet in Japan . It is broadcast live on the AbemaSPECIAL2 channel of ABEMA on the first Sunday of every month. From April 1, 2018 to March 1 , 2020, it will be delivered from 17:00 to 0:12 the next day. From April 5, 2020, it airs from 15:00 to 22:12. The abbreviation and recommended hashtag is " Nananii" (ななにー).
Three high school girls are chosen among 700,000 applicants to be on the reality show “Marry the Prince”. They must find their true love in the four princes they encounter.
The legendary program "Onemas", which attracted attention with all the legendary sexy idols, is making a comeback after about 10 years! ! This time, “Women’s true nature is exposed”! The members fight each other and are forced into an extreme situation where they can't escape, and a never-before-seen side is revealed!? 30 minutes of Ebisu Muscats putting their bodies on the line and taking on a serious challenge!
Nakamura Sotaro and his eight best friends met while planning their high school cultural festival. Despite entering college and then the workforce, they've remained close. They seem to be the perfect group, but everything is not what it seems. After following a mysterious giveaway account on Twitter, they find themselves the victim of a merciless hacker who will stop at nothing to ruin their reputations and reveal their deepest secrets.
梅田サイファーの水曜The NIGHT
With the spread of the internet, social media has become a crucial part of people's daily lives. However, its helpful, informative qualities are not all that comes with it. This omnibus drama series depicts social media's destructive ability to plant darkness and fear in the people trapped in its mysterious charm.
A spin-off to the Japanese drama “M: Ai Subeki Hito ga Ite” centered around Masa's secretary, Himeno Reika.
Get hitched or call it quits? Couples put their love to the test — while shacking up with other potential matches — in a provocative reality series.
At a young age, they stumbled into the parenting world. On top of their day-to-day tasks, they tackle obstacles and the stigma of being teenage parents.
A Philippine television mystery music game show series. It is an adaptation of the South Korean program of the same name.
After more than a year of paranormal attacks, including unexplained scratches, apparitions, disembodied voices and poltergeist activity, Karen and her family - daughter Chloe, 20, and sons Cameron, 21, and Colby, 15 - are distraught and in dire need of help. Paranormal investigator Tim Wood and paranormal researcher Sapphire Sandalo come to their aid and soon discover the entire town has a disturbingly dark history, and an oppressive energy has taken over.
Jana Ina & Giovanni – Pizza, Pasta & Amore
Jana Ina & Giovanni – Wir sind schwanger!