A social comedy that revolves around Samiha and her son Hilal, and his uncle Dahi’s interference with their lives, until he marries Fawzia, so Hilal tries to convince his mother to marry the divorced Nouf, but his mother rejects the matter, until she recognizes Nabil and everything changes.
Mile is a man who is trying to influence people in Serbia, not to accept the entry in EU.
A platonic pair of former best friends approaching midlife reconnect after a long rift. The duo’s friendship becomes more consuming—and destabilizes their lives in a hilarious way.
This series takes place in a comedy drama about family life in Kuwait, through situations in which a family falls during their daily lives, such as eating from the street.
In a comedy context, the series revolves around Abu Shamlan, who lives with his family in a new house, always helps people and provides services to them free, so his wife (Umm Shamlan) complains about this matter.
Reviews, editorials, and retrospectives of video games.
Scientist Anubhav is From a middle-class Joint Family While Gungun Is a selectively Compassionate rich spoilt brat. What Happens When these two collied?
Принцесса и нищенка
Anya is a mother of many children. Yana is a convinced childfree. They have diametrically different ideas about happiness, but the same - about friendship. Together with kindergarten, they cannot imagine life without one another and have long resigned themselves to the fact that they will never understand each other in family matters. The status quo lasts thirty years... until this story begins.
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Finding herself in a difficult life situation, Anna follows the advice of a dishonest realtor and, as a result, finds herself without a home. She is forced to live in a communal apartment. At first, it is difficult for her to find a common language with her neighbors - it seems that life on the "social bottom" will soon bring her to the handle. But gradually she understands that kind and vulnerable souls often hide behind external rudeness. It turns out she has a lot to learn from her neighbors. And it is in the communal apartment that Anya will find her happiness ...
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Former 1960s flower children Steven and Elyse Keaton raise their conservative son Alex, daughters Mallory and Jennifer, and later, youngest child Andrew.