
Zeitsprung Pictures

Action & Adventure Drama Crime
German     7.027     2022     Germany


After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a former East German spy resolves to find out who betrayed her and why — and use her lethal skills to exact revenge.


MovieGuys wrote:
Killing Eve meets Deutschland 83, minus the factors that made these shows a success. For me, that sums up Kleo. Never more than superficially charming, Kleo comes across as a low rent alternative to the vastly superior Killing Eve and Deutschland 83. Lots of cameo style set pieces abound, with thick lashings of 80's nostalgia. Regrettably this ploy doesn't conceal an absence of cohesive, thoughtful, story telling. Dialogue ranges from banal to crudely moronic and characterisations have a decidedly one dimensional quality to them.Their motivations seem equally shallow and largely, uninteresting. In summary, Kleo is typical of much contemporary entertainment in so much as it appears to assume that making something that "looks cosmetically good", inexplicably makes it engaging and enjoyable to the viewer. Suffice to say, a hard pass from me.
