Based on a series of light novels written by Tanaka Yoshiki. The story revolves around Ryōko Yakushiji, a brilliant 27-year-old elite investigator with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Together with her subordinate Junichirō Izumida, the two often investigate bizzare and supernatural cases. In addition with the paranormal, Ryōko also has a longstanding rivalry with Yukiko Muromachi, another talented police investigator.
Let’s drink between everyday and extraordinary !!! Toru Seino has a lot of terrifying “ghost stories” that he heard directly from his friends, acquaintances and others. Why don’t you actually go to the mysterious scene and drink “liquor”? I want to see “ghosts” because it’s okay to call them once. But scary … but I want to see … scary scary ..
Set in the 1960s; Paranormal follows the adventures of Dr. Refaat Ismail, a professor of hematology, as he comes up against various supernatural events with the help of his Scottish old flame, Maggie.
Bizarre Murders reveals a true and surprisingly strange crime story. These are not serial murderers evading the FBI, but Fargo-like capers with shocking twists and unusual characters.
After causing a major incident, police officer Daigo Agawa takes his wife and daughter to live in the remote mountain village of Kuge. It seems the perfect place to recover from the ordeal, despite the mysterious disappearance of a previous officer posted there. One day, the body of an old woman is found on the mountain. The Goto family says she was attacked by a bear, but Daigo notices a human bite mark. It soon becomes clear that not all is as it seems in the village.
Extraordinary-but-true stories of past relationships that went seriously awry are detailed, when one partner’s behavior goes from romantic… to excessive… and then to the extreme. Each episode follows the intrepid souls who venture out in search of love, but end up in a desperate search for escape.
Un été de canicule
A journalist’s life devolves into chaos when she shields her brother from the law, inadvertently entangling her family in a drug lord's merciless scheme.
Uova fatali
For revenge, Yang Qi An pretends to agree to his biological father, Yang Qing Hai’s politically motivated arranged marriage, not expecting his father to be one step ahead of his plan. Following the shooting, Yang Qing Hai grows in popularity and is successfully elected mayor, resolving a political crisis. Before this, Yang Qi An’s mother committed suicide in prison after being set up by the Yang family. To uncover the truth, he gets close to police officer Yuan Shao Hu, who agrees to help Yang Qi An investigate the truth even after discovering his true identity. But with too many interests at stake, Yuan Shao Hu is faced with unprecedented obstacles. How can he lead Yang Qi An to overcome his fate?
Ryza is an ordinary girl. Tired of boring village life, she escapes the village to gather with her good friends in a secret location to talk of their dreams and plan thrilling adventures. One day, the determined Ryza and company decide to head for the forbidden "island across the shore" as their first exploration trip. Together with the alchemist and other friends they meet there, they have a "summer adventure" that they will never forget.
Luna Blanca
Unsuccessful actor Alexey Vyazintsev learns that his father was killed under mysterious circumstances. Alexey travels to Shironino, his father's hometown, to sell his apartment, but instead finds himself embroiled in a series of dangerous events. Locals believe that the books of the long-forgotten Soviet writer Gromov have magical properties. Each of these books gives a specific effect: Rage, Patience, Power, Joy, Strength or Memory. The secret world of readers of Gromov's books is divided into Libraries that hunt for books all over the country and are ready to kill competitors for the sake of their strength. Vyazintsev will have to become a part of one of the Libraries, reveal the secrets of his own family and go in search of the rarest of magical books — the book of Meaning.
Hunter is an action thriller web series that follows Suniel Shetty as ACP Vikram in his journey to the dark alleys of Mumbai's crime world. A mission to find a missing woman leads him juggling between his past and future.
Set in Ancient Africa, one thousand days after the fall of Atlantis, 'Blood Psalms' explores the story of the five surviving houses of Kemet as they find themselves beset with fears of a prophesied end of days.
R.I.P - Recherches, Investigations, Paranormal
It includes different and entertaining segments that are held between two groups of well-known faces. Each group consists of a leader and a sibling who must be well-acquainted with each other's moral qualities so that they can overcome the various challenges of the competition and reach the final prize.
In this visceral tale of urban horror, a fearless cop and a haunted medical student must take on this living darkness to avert impending doom.