Heroes don't retire. They reload.

Action & Adventure Drama Comedy
English     6.6     2023     USA


When a father and daughter discover they both secretly work for the CIA, an already dicey undercover mission turns into a dysfunctional family affair.


Zugifilmofil wrote:
I had such a big expectations from this show with Arnold but because of that the disappointment is also big. Didn't think Arnold would agree to such a bad script. Also, like in all latest propaganda there are almost all races envolved, gay-ofcourse, feminism-sure. Only thing missing is talent for writing and talent for acting from all of the actors in this show, even Arnold (although mainly because it's too old for some scenes to look convincing). Also, it is getting quite irritating to watch movies and shows where small skinny woman are stronger than all big guys because it's not believable, same as 70+ years old Arnold jumping from a moving truck. Then there are men that are guilty for everything ofcourse and/or are weaklings. I gave score 4/10 just because of Arnold and that is too generous. If you want to watch good old actors in new tv shows, watch Stallone's Tulsa king. It's mutch better in every way and no wokeness like this pile of stinky garbage.
MovieGuys wrote:
FUBAR indeed. Loaded down with the usual trite, woke codswallop, horribly cliched characterisations, US exceptionalism (does anyone still see the CIA as the "good guys"?) and bland, unimaginative storytelling. No doubt, the masses will still lap it up because of the "Arnie factor" but really, that's all this gruesome affair, has going for it. In summary, parachuting big name actors into horrible series and films, seems to be the latest attempt to "fix" falling viewership's and dismal ratings. That said, its a quick fix at best and its not a long term solution to the US entertainment industries, many, often self inflicted, woes.
