Tattoo Salonen
Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on their own and experience life with local tribes and people. In each location, the guests are tasked to hunt and prepare their meals and also create shelter for the tribe. They sometimes confronted by many difficult challenges. Where will the tribe visit? And how will they survive on their own? Stay tuned to check out!
A documentary series following a U.S. Marine captain and his team as they battle Taliban forces in Afghanistan.
Extreme adventure reality competition with Bear Grylls, who challenges teams of two in the wild.
Crazy 88
Double Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell, TV presenter Ben Fogle and Doctor Ed Coats compete in one of the world’s greatest challenges – the 2009 race to the South Pole - the first organised race since Scott and Amundsen almost 100 years ago.
Casa dos Artistas
Toto & Harry
O Aprendiz
Robinson Ekspeditionen: Planken ud
Inside a wax museum that contains statues of historical figures, we find a statue of Al-Dahih, but after the sun sets, something suspicious is happening, as the statues come to life and history repeats itself.
Super Nanny
Troca de Família
Esquadrão da Moda
In Tokyo, after midnight, many people wander around without destinations. Some were partying, some were working late, and some were just too drunk to catch the train on time. What happens if a camera crew suddenly asks them to let a camera follow them home in exchange of paying the taxi fare? There is no time for preparation for the interviewee. The camera documents their house just as it is. Some starts to talk about their previous dream by showing photo albums. Some start to confess their gratefulness towards their wife in the middle of the night. Why not discover how people react when a TV crew suddenly visits their home after midnight.
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