Around the World in 80 Days is an animated television series that lasted one season of sixteen episodes, broadcast during the 1972-1973 season by NBC. It was the first Australian-produced cartoon to be shown on American network television. Leif Gram directed all sixteen episodes, and the stories were loosely adapted by Chester "Chet" Stover from the novel by Jules Verne.
Victims' rights activist John Walsh and his son, Callahan, showcase time-sensitive, unsolved cases in desperate need of attention, mobilizing the public to engage in the pursuit of justice.
What happens after we die? This docuseries explores personal stories and research on near-death experiences, reincarnation and paranormal phenomena.
What if someone close to you suddenly disappeared without a trace? Days, months, then years pass and there's still no answer. Marie-Claude Barrette follows families and friends who have lost someone close to them in their quest to find out what happened.
The riveting life and times of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) and his soaring masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" – one of the greatest achievements in the history of Western literature.
Ordre du Temple solaire : L'enquête impossible
Money holds power over us — but it doesn't have to. Finance expert Ramit Sethi works with people across the US to help them achieve their richest lives.
A mysterious figure—known as the Con Queen—is impersonating powerful female executives in Hollywood, luring victims with the promise of life-changing career opportunities. A journalist and a private investigator set out to find the culprit behind the scam.
1972: 7-year-old Steven Stayner vanishes from Merced, California. For years, his family searches for him, only to find they’ve been looking for the wrong boy. 50 years on, Steven’s children unearth clues to their father’s mysterious past.
Gabriel Johnson, a baby missing since 2009, was last seen with his mother Elizabeth; this docuseries delves into the twists and deceit surrounding his disappearance in a search for the truth.
Případ pro exorcistu
Follow three women as they each make life-changing mistakes regarding their children and husbands, which lead to unpredictable criminal consequences. Based on Paula Daly's best selling novel, Windermere.
An enigmatic conservative Christian group known as the Family wields enormous influence in Washington, D.C., in pursuit of its global ambitions.
The remarkable story of the Irish War of Independence (1919-1922) which resulted in the formation of the Irish Free State and became the model for other British colonies to gain their independence.
The documentary takes a detailed look at the disappearance of 3-year-old Madeleine McCann, who vanished while on holiday with her family.
Host and intrepid traveler Rainn Wilson traverses the globe searching for the secrets to the happiest societies on earth. Exploring some of the happiest and least happy places on earth from Iceland to Bulgaria to Ghana, and in a profound, humorous, and experiential way that unpacks the science of happiness.
Dive into the field of natural science, Discover the Solar System or the various functions of the human body. The information is presented in the "Eyewitness Museum", a computer-generated science museum. Various exhibits are shown, and stock video footage is usually seen through large windows or other depressions in the wall.
For ten years, eleven people from the same wealthy family lived under the sway of one man: Thierry Tilly. Convinced that they were victims of a conspiracy, they lived in seclusion, even though their door was wide open. Their blind trust in Thierry Tilly, whom they took to be their savior, led them to give him all their assets and obey him to the letter, even committing the impossible.
This is the (mostly) true story of a 1970s fashion icon turned cocaine kingpin caught between his loyalties to the mob, the Colombian Cartel, the FBI, and his 7 wives.
In this docuseries, a scrappy electronic cigarette startup becomes a multibillion-dollar company until an epidemic causes its success to go up in smoke.