

Soap Talk
Thai     0     2021     Thailand


This anthology series reflects societal issues. With a circulating cast of famous actors, each episode presents a new story to remind us that what we put out into the world, we receive in turn.


Chun and Pat Boung meet unexpectedly in a mall and Pat Boung and her friend saves Chun from a mafia group in Thailand while he was visiting on a business trip. He returns home safely to Hong Kong and is just amazed and intrigued by her. So he sends one of his men to find out about this girl. Chun is now the leader of a mafia, but was only inherited into the mafia because he was an orphan and he was his adopted sister's father. He becomes loyal and shows leadership. Pat Boung's dad is a very known man in Thai society, but he unfortunately gets hooked onto gambling in Chun's casino in Hong Kong. Chuun figures out that the man was Pat Boung's father. He gets the man into big debt with them, he manipulates Pat Boung's father to sell her to him and he promises that he will not harm his daughter in anyway and seemed liked a good man to Pat Boung's father. So he gets the money he sold his daughter for thinking that he would gamble it and get all the money he owned back and then the deal could be forgotten and he could have his daughter back. At this time, he loses all the money again and ends up in bigger debt than before but this time with no daughter. He returns to Thailand, but before he gets there Chun sends his men for Pat Boung in Thailand. Chun's bodyguards Chen Hao and Ban are sent to get Pak Boung but in the process of going back to Hong Kong, Pak Boung manages to escape the two bodyguards and she is saved by Min. She thinks she has nothing left in her life because of what her father has done and that they are so far in debt she is a lost soul. Min decides to take Pak Boung in and take care her as if she was his wife but what Pat Boung and Min doesn't know is that Chun's bodyguard already found them. She falls in love with him because he is the only one that is there that cares for her. She and Min fall in love, but that doesn't stop Chun. He finds her and takes her from Min. Min goes to Hong Kong and tries to get Pat Boung back in numerous times, but doesn't succeed. During the process while Pat Boung is forced to live with this "cold hearted" man, she tries every available way to escape Chun to get back to Min. In the process of trying to escape from Chun, she sees that he is not just cold hearted man that he also a very caring man. Unable to get close and help Pak Boung, Min decides to manipulate Chun's little sister Gye' Yhong to get back at Chun for taking Pak Boung from him. As time goes by, Pak Boung starts to fall in love with Chun as Yong starting to fall in love with Min but just as their relationships starts to mend its gets even more complicated when Chun's childhood lover, Lilly, comes back and stir up more trouble for all the couples...

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A man takes revenge on behalf of his handicapped sister by seducing the only daughter of the man who injured his sister. Petch is an engineer that Namneung falls in love with ever since she was still in high school. She is very happy when Petch tells her that he loves her and asks her to marry him, but Namneung's parents (father-Kriengsak, mother-Daranee) don't agree because they have a different social status. Phak (Namneung's friend) is very sad because he secretly loves her and does not pay attention to other women, but Alice loves him. Even though Numneung's parents don't agree, they get married and Petch takes Numnueng to his house. There, Nam Neung meets Taptim (Petch's mother) & Ploy (Petch's sister). They seem unfriendly and cold to her, especially Ploy. Ploy looks as if she hates Namneung from the first second that they meet. Namneung tries not to pay attention to it because she feels bad for her since Ploy is disabled (lame). One day, Ploy brings Rotjana home and tells her that Rotjana is Petch's wife. Namneung is shocked and very sad to know this. Petch tells her that Kriengsak (Namneung's father) had raped Ploy. Her father wanted to hide his fault so he drove his car to hit Ploy and disabled her. He says that Daranee (Namneung's mother) hired a man to attack Ploy. Petch says he has never loved Namneung. He has done everything just to convince her that he loves her. He only wants revenge with her family for what her parents has done to his sister, but because of the love that Namneung has for him, it gives her the patience to stay there and not run back to Bangkok. Petch, Ploy, and Taptim hurt Namneung physically and mentally, especially Ploy. Potchanee (Rotjana's sister) is the only one who sympathizes for Namneung because she knows that Petch and Rotjana don't have a real husband & and wife relationship, but she can not tell Namneung because Ploy is her benefactor. Nuan (a maid of Namneung's parents) comes to visit Namneung, but she is shocked when she meets Taptim (because in the past, Nuan brought her baby boy to Taptim to help take care of her baby because she needed to escape a murder case). Nuan is very happy to know that Petch is actually her biological son, but she is shocked to know that Ploy is Taptim's daughter. Nuan knows the truth that Ploy wanted to be Kriengsak's wife, but he rejected her because he is a family man. Ploy was very angry so she intentionally walked into an incoming car and the accident disabled her. Ploy put the blame on Kreingsak and Daranee. Her lies caused Petch and Taptim to misunderstand the situation and causes Namneung to be the one who is the receiver of this revenge. When the truth is disclosed, Petch is very sorry that he had hurt Namneung.

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