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Émilie and Clifford have turned their home into a zoo where they care for wild animals in need of rehabilitation.
Mission zoo
In a society where appearance matters a lot, losing the identity of one’s own face and body can be one of the greatest tragedies imaginable. This unique documentary series shows the challenges faced by five disfigured survivors for whom the nightmare became reality. It tries to understand how these affected and fragile people rebuilt themselves, how they learned to love life again and how they kept hope for the future.
Richard Turcotte meets people who, like him, had to live through the nightmare of a renovation project gone wrong. Water leaks, fungi, vermin infestations, undrinkable water, shaky structures: these unlucky owners have seen it all! Richard explains the consequences that a problem house can have on the mental, physical, financial and familial health on its owners.
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10 Segundos para Vencer
Ride along with extreme cleaning professionals as they ply their trade eliminating all traces of disasters, tackling unsanitary environments or cleaning up crime scenes.
The duo give members of the public an opportunity to come to terms with a traumatic or unresolved life experience and reunite with someone who has had a major impact on their lives.
History Content for the Future
Pompiers: la relève
Rohan Marley, son of legendary musician Bob Marley, reconnects with his roots as he goes on a journey to explore the food and music of his native Jamaica.
A unique look inside the mind of an infamous serial killer with this cinematic self-portrait crafted from statements made by Ted Bundy, including present-day interviews, archival footage and audio recordings from death row.
Dahlgårds Tivoli
A crew of car lovers at a garage in the Rocky Mountains transforms abandoned heaps of rust into collectible classics.
Luan Oliveira: Além Do Skate
In this six-part fly-on-the-wall documentary series, we follow Gordon Ramsay through the most intense year of his life as he copes with his celebrity status and juggles cooking with the ever increasing demands on his time from beyond the kitchen.
A look into the lives of descendants of the Cartel life living in Miami as they navigate adulthood and the effects the legacy has had on their upbringing.