Soccer AM is a British Saturday-morning football-based comedy/talk show, predominantly based around the Premier League. Originally presented by Jane Hoffen, Gary Stevens and Russ Williams, they lasted just a year before Helen Chamberlain and Tim Lovejoy replaced them, where Lovejoy served for over a decade. He has since been replaced by Andy Goldstein and, more recently, Max Rushden. The show has been aired on Sky Sports 2 each Saturday morning of the football season since 1995 from 7:00am or 9:00am to noon originally and currently between 10:00am and 12:00pm. In early 2009, the 500th episode was broadcast. Although the show is filmed live from 2010 it has been broadcast on a momentary delay due to bad language and/or inappropriate content from certain guests. The show's current sponsor is Procter & Gamble through their Head & Shoulders brand. The show was previously sponsored by Frijj, a brand of milkshake, after Dairy Crest signed a £2 million sponsorship deal. Parts of the show have remained since the beginning, whilst new items have been introduced each season. In that respect, it is almost the same every week, the difference being new football footage and comedy skits. Every week sees a new group of celebrity guests, generally featuring at least one footballer who is free on the Saturday, and a mix of musicians, TV personalities, and other sportsmen.
A sportscaster becomes a full-time dad when his ex-wife decides to accept a job out of the country and his teenage daughter, Breanna, moves in with him.
Hors-Jeu 2.0
Host Jim Rome interviews sports figures, gives personal opinions on a few of the day's sports stories and is joined by analysts to discuss controversies in sports. Weekly correspondent segments featuring athletes take viewers closer to an aspect of a sport -- inside a team's locker room, a practice or a day in the life of the featured athlete or team.
Joy Bryant invites celebrity guests to share in her passion for board sports like surfing, skate boarding and snowboarding.
Pardon the Interruption is a sports television show that airs weekdays on various ESPN TV channels, TSN, ESPN America, XM, and Sirius satellite radio services, and as a downloadable podcast. It is hosted by Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon, who discuss, and frequently argue over, the top stories of the day in "sports... and other stuff". They had previously done this off-air in The Washington Post newsroom. Either Tony Reali or the uncredited "producer over the loudspeaker" serves as moderator for parts of the show, which is filmed in Washington, D.C.; Around The Horn also originates from the same studio.
Two teams, each consisting of two comedians and one athlete, compete in a humorous quiz about sports.
A light-hearted look at the United Kingdom's Premier League action, rounding-up the weekend's football action.
Vamos Sobre Ruedas
Viewers are invited to exercise with various celebrities known to love exercising. These celebrities motivate the audience, utilizing their know-how to manage not only the bodies of the participants, but also their mental health.
All the latest World Cup news, match highlights, analysis and features can be seen every night.
Sportsnight was a midweek BBC television sports programme that ran from 1968 until 1997.
A show that goes behind the scenes of WWE events and Superstars.
Through conversations with former players, coaches, and key figures, Peyton Manning gets to the heart of football history and its cultural impact.
Reigning UFC heavyweight champion Daniel Cormier breaks down the performances of today’s top UFC athletes.
The Sport 1 magazine “Darts Stories” reports on several darts world championships and introduces special darts players.
A one‐on‐one interview show that gives legendary athletes and coaches the opportunity to share their ascent to the pinnacle of success through their personal life stories and philosophies.
There's a new Norm in sports. Funnyman Norm Macdonald returns to the desk to give you an update on the week's dropped passes, foul balls and unnecessary roughness--and that's just what happened off the field. Sports, you've finally met your match.