This 1959-1963 television situation comedy series follows the lives of the Mitchell family, Henry, Alice, and their only child Dennis, an energetic, trouble-prone, mischievous, but well-meaning boy, who often tangles with his peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor George Wilson, a retired salesman, or, later, with George's brother John, a writer. Dennis is basically a good, well-intentioned boy who always tries to help people, but who winds up making situations worse – often at Mr. Wilson's expense.
Dennis and Gnasher is an animated British TV series based on characters from The Beano comic, It features the daily adventures of the rebellious schoolboy Dennis the Menace and his dog Gnasher.
‘Lily See Kulap” is a romance action comedy about a young woman from Hong Kong who fled her country to Thailand to get out of a force marriage by her uber wealthy father. Her name is Lily. She hires Nop (Cee), a former police officer, as her bodyguard to help her fend off her father’s two bodyguards who were sent by her father to haul her back to Hong Kong to marry Peter, her betrothed. More complete summary by Lyn's lakorn blog: Lily (Jakajan) is the only daughter of a very wealthy man in Hong Kong and she is a spoiled little brat. Her father wants her to marry Peter, the son of one of his closest friends. He wants to cure Lily of her selfishness and immaturity by marrying her off. Lily doesn’t love Peter so she flees to Thailand in search of her Thai friend and to find her true love. Her father sends out two bodyguard to bring her back to Hong Kong to marry Peter.
Πολυθρόνα για Τρεις
Funny, fast and furry - the WOODLIES are nuttier than a squirrel’s lunch, on a mission to protect their forest from the human Uglies and get their paws on the biggest stash of food they can find! Big job when you’re not much bigger than a squirrel...
Geek Therapy
Epic Chef
This show follows the mischievous servant Sule as he goes about his ignorant ways. Sule is upset with Mrs. Tiyo/Kanjeng Mami who has hired a new maid for cooking, so he decided to return to his hometown. Even in his absence, his presence can still be felt.Kanjeng Mami then asks Mr. Tiyo to bring Sule back, what ever it takes. What other mischiefs will Sule get into next?
A big transatlantic ship, full of rich and important people for international business, has been taken by a group of terrorists. The only hope for their rescue is in the hands of a japanese man known as Japa, but first, he must hire seven companions to help him, and together they will be the Wild Seven. The main plot occurs in the waters of Nicaragua's Canal.
A late night talk show, hosted by Joko and Klaas.
Φάε τη Σοκολάτα σου
Two teams, each consisting of two comedians and one athlete, compete in a humorous quiz about sports.
Οι Στάβλοι της Εριέτας Ζαΐμη
This Portuguese comedy show is about the daily lifes of neighbours living at Campo de Ourique, with really confusing life stories.
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مرتي وأنا
Electric City is an award-winning, animated, post-apocalyptic, science fiction, web series published through Yahoo!. Created by Tom Hanks, the series begins after the world has ended. Electric City represents peace and security in the midst of rubble. Even though it seems to be an orderly utopia, there are still secrets, back-alley dealings, daring chases and murder.
Tung metal
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