Robins is a Swedish late-night talk show which premiered on SVT2 on August 23, 2006. The host is the young stand-up comedian Robin Paulsson from Malmö. The show's format is similar to that of other late-night shows, Robin makes jokes about recent news, shows sketches, and talks to a guest in the studio. One of the most popular sketches in the show features Robin appearing as Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović.
Ruslan Bely, Nurlan Saburov, Timur Karginov and Azamat Musagaliev will speak on life topics: from sex preferences to school bullying. Talk is not a humorous TNT show in the usual sense. It has no rules or clear rules, rounds and scoring, winners and losers. This is an honest, open conversation of four modern guys on life topics - childhood and parents, sex and relationships, work and success, the army and school. There is no introduction or greetings, the show immediately connects the viewer to the rather intimate and informal conversation of the four comedians. These are conversations that are familiar to everyone in a variety of situations. You've heard or led them in the bar after work, in bed before bed, at the therapist's, in the kitchen, on the train. The time has come to talk about this on television with the same intonation.
Dar cera, pulir #0
El informal
KVN is a Russian humour TV show and competition where teams compete by giving funny answers to questions and showing prepared sketches. The programme was first aired by the First Soviet Channel on November 8, 1961. Eleven years later, in 1972, when few programmes were being broadcast live, Soviet censors found the students' impromptu jokes offensive and anti-Soviet and banned KVN. The show was revived fourteen years later during the Perestroika era in 1986, with Alexander Maslyakov as its host. It is one of the longest-running TV programmes on Russian Television. It also has its own holiday on November 8, the birthday of the game, which KVN players celebrate every year since it was announced and widely celebrated for the first time in 2001.
Join Nervous Nick, Mysterious My, Angry Igor, Sleepy Sam and many more wacky characters in this crazy and hopefully award-winning series from the already award-winning comedy group IJustWantToBeCool where every place, every time and every world has “ An ordinary day".
Hadházi László: Megyünk a levesbe
Family man Devin falls back into his sneaker obsession after his pal Bobby talks him into a wheeling-dealing scheme to score a mythical pair of kicks.
Macken is a Swedish 6-part musical sit-com that ran on SVT in 1986. It was produced by Galenskaparna och After Shave and was a major breakthrough for the group. Some of the songs from the show became hits on Svensktoppen and a movie was made in 1990. The title translates as "the mack" with "mack" in this case being common Swedish slang for gas station.
Tom Allen, Jessica Knappett, Munya Chawawa and famous faces from the world of telly put the TV audience front and centre, as they dissect viewers' complaints about the shows getting the nation talking.
La casa por la ventana
Weekly satirical news digest with host Roman Vintoniv as Michael Schur.
Komt Een Man Bij De Dokter
De Slimste Mens ter Wereld
Götter wie wir
Zig & Zag's Superbloopers
Kyouno Asuka is a cute and clueless high school girl who habitually does things, in all innocence, that seem sexually suggestive to the men around her. Each chapter in "Today's Asuka Show" features a different awkward situation.
Comedy entertainment show in which Jack Dee and a group of comedians explore the lives of the studio audience. In each episode, three comedians probe the lives of five members of the audience for potential comedy material. The more comedy material the Front Rowers provide the stand-ups, the longer they'll last. As the panellists get to know more about the contestants, they will then have to decide who to eliminate at the end of each round. The last Front Rower standing will be crowned with the ultimate prize of a 'Golden Chair Award'.