French PQ
In the fictional city of Saint Andrews, Brett Montgomery, a wealthy cosmetics businessman and doctor at the local hospital, and Brad, his evil twin brother, battle for control of the Montgomery family fortune. Brett’s fiancée, Cricket, is a journalist with the local television station and has a twin sister, Ashley, who is a nurse at the hospital.
Histoires de coming-out
Havana Qc
Le Polock
The ups-and-downs of daily life as a helicopter pilot in Sept-Iles, north of Quebec.
Point de vue
Raed Hammoud helms an all-new docuseries that follows immigrants who have chosen to move to Quebec’s regions and make a difference in their adopted communities. The host discovers their stories and how they help to enrich and unify these diverse societies.
Young people from 11 Indigenous nations across Quebec take part in expeditions where they can put their ancestral know-how to use, discover the earth's resources and test their physical endurance!
The show explores the impact and evolution of people, issues and events in the province’s history.
Resto mundo
To save their skins and get their jail time reduced, criminals will sell out their accomplices and give the police precious info. Without their collaboration, police forces couldn’t have orchestrated the waves of arrests seen in Quebec in the last few years.
180 jours
Chiller au Québec avec Félipé
Situation d’urgence
Soins intensifs
Faits d'hiver
Marième Ndiaye meets the people who have chosen to live in rural Quebec in the hopes of ensuring the future of their region by launching original development initiatives.
Le temps d'une paix