After discovering the existence of demons in Tokyo, the original 00 Cyborg crew led by Dr. Gilmore find themselves in conflict with Devilman, a strong demon believed to be in league with the war-profiteering terrorist organization, Black Ghost. Meanwhile, a bigger threat emerges when Dr. Adams, a Black Ghost scientist unleashes his new line of high-teen 00 Cyborg models against 009 and his friends.
Mori no Tonto-Tachi
Sportsfan is KeyTV's network's take on family sitcoms shot entirely on iPhones and directed by Keke Palmer. In the series, we meet CJ, a dedicated fancy footballer who streams about his favorite team the Beagles – much to the enjoyment of his friends and father, and the chagrin of his heavily pregnant wife, Lila. Over the course of the show, we watch as he juggles these priorities and ultimately has to decide what he’s really a fan of.
Caixa Alta
Hahamakin ang Lahat
The series centres on the Essex-West-Essex Fire Department, a smalltown volunteer fire department with too much time on their hands because their town never has any actual fires to fight.
Tara is the only witness of the massacre of her adoptive parents. The trauma was so deep that it made Tara need the help of a psychologist. Increasingly, it seems there is something hidden from within Tara
Amelia is about to marry into one of the wealthiest families on Nantucket, until a shocking death derails the wedding — and turns everyone into a suspect.
One day, a tunnel opens up between Philippe's basement in Paris, Ontario and Paris, France. Here's a chance for Philippe, caught up in a midlife crisis, to escape his quiet life and go wild and crazy in the City of Light.
In the Human Empire, three heroes from a mysterious clan are rising up. Di Lin is cold-blooded but resourceful; Sterling is a patriotic soldier and loyal to the throne; Zichuan Xiu is known as a rogue but a wise man. When the Zichuan Clan beset by enemies from within and without, the three brothers displayed their respective abilities: Zichuan Xiu repelled the Demons and ventured his life on hunting down the rebel; Sterling resolutely chose his family rather than beloved lover... Humans, demons, orcs, and eastern tribes are constantly entangled and bring chaos to this continent. A magnificent epic story was then born in the blood and fire.
A serial killer is targetting the literary greats of Kolkata. Private 'defective' Gourab Sen, aka Gora, has a reputation as a serial killer specialist. No wonder it falls upon the eccentric detective to unmask the killer!
An employee of the fire department - a manipulator and a bribe-taker - is trying to get herself a kidney for a transplant. But this is not easy to do, since she lived her life in such a way that no one wants to help her.
When two of his countrymen - arms dealers - are kidnapped, a German police investigator is sent to Algiers in search of them. Beginning a steamy affair with an Algerian prosecutor investigating the case for her country probably wasn't the best idea, but as the pair go deeper, they uncover a corruption scandal testing their loyalty to their nations and to each other.
In times of fast news, clickbait and social media, what is still true and what not? Britt, Jan and Thomas figure it out for you.
Shinnosuke Tomari is a former elite police officer in the Metropolitan Police who, after an event that traumatized one of his colleagues, has been "demoted" into the Special Investigations Division, a group that looks into the stranger happenings in the city, particularly the "Heavy Acceleration" events that leave people unable to move that the public have termed the "Slowdown." When he is chosen by the Drive Driver and Tridoron, Shinnosuke transforms into Kamen Rider Drive and is tasked with battling the Roidmudes who wish to take over the world by eliminating humanity.