Weird Travels is an American documentary paranormal television series that originally aired from 2001 to 2006 on the Travel Channel. Produced by Authentic Entertainment, the program features various paranormal subjects around the world, especially cryptozoological creatures and haunted locations around the world. The series is narrated by Don Wildman, who also hosts and narrates the History channel's documentary television series Cities of the Underworld and Travel Channel's Off Limits.
Haunted Encounters is an American paranormal television series that premiered on December 1, 2012 on the Biography Channel. The program features a paranormal investigation team known as the Paranormal Syndicate who investigates haunted hotspots that are reported to be on the list of reportedly haunted locations and gather evidence to prove that it is haunted. Current episodes air at 10:00PM EST.
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GussDXfiles : Enquêtes sur le Paranormal
Scariest Places on Earth is an American paranormal documentary reality television series that originally aired from October 23, 2000 to October 29, 2006. The program was produced by Triage Entertainment for the Fox Family Channel, which is now ABC Family and owns the rights to the show. The show featured reported cases of the paranormal by sending an ordinary family to visit the location in a reality TV-style vigil.
Real people sit down with friends and family to share terrifying true stories from their past, re-created through chilling re-enactments.
Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked by law enforcement to extraterrestrial biological entities.
Paranormal investigators investigate places that are reported to be haunted. Engaging forensic experts, historical records and the most innovative technology available, the squad helps everyday people who are struggling with unexplained supernatural phenomena.
Most Haunted is a British paranormal mystery documentary reality television series. The series was first shown on 25 May, 2002 and ended on 21 July, 2010. Led by Yvette Fielding, the programme investigated purported paranormal activity in many locations in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and other countries. It was produced by Antix Productions and broadcast on the satellite and cable channels Living TV, Livingit, and Channel One. In the United States it was broadcast on the Travel Channel.
British show about possible x-files style stories.
In Search of... is a television series that was broadcast weekly from 1977 to 1982, devoted to mysterious phenomena. It was created after the success of three one-hour TV documentaries produced by creator Alan Landsburg: In Search of Ancient Astronauts in 1973, In Search of Ancient Mysteries and The Outer Space Connection, both in 1975. All three featured narration by Rod Serling, who was the initial choice to host the spin-off show. After Serling's death, Leonard Nimoy was selected to be the host.
Jane Goldman Investigates
The shocking eyewitness accounts of terrified people whose dream homes have become nightmares are brought to life in vivid, blood-curdling style on "My Haunted House". Told via gripping first person interviews and strikingly crafted re-enactments, each episode of this nerve-wracking new series tells two, compelling horror stories of people literally living in terror.
Hailing from all corners of the globe, six of the best ghost hunters in the business have joined forces to investigate paranormal activity in Australia's most haunted locations. Led by Robb Demarest, the Haunting: Australia team travel across the country unearthing ghostly evidence and seeking answers to often asked questions.
Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago? From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age old debate.
UFO Files is an American television series that was produced from 2004 to 2007 for The History Channel. The program covers the phenomena of unidentified flying and submerged objects, close encounters with alleged extraterrestrial life, and alleged military and government cover-up conspiracies. In 2008, a following series called UFO Hunters premiered on the same channel.
Jack Osbourne and his paranormal researcher Katrina Weidman search for ghosts.
Ghost Hunters Academy is a paranormal reality television series that premiered on November 11, 2009, on the Syfy channel. The program is the third spin-off series based on Ghost Hunters. The show features TAPS members Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango as they lead a group of prospective investigators on various ghost hunting cases at locations that are allegedly haunted, and which had been previously investigated by TAPS. The tagline of the show is: "Get the paranormal."
A chilling series in which survivors of a paranormal experience relive their harrowing encounter.
Investigates the mysteries behind declassified top secret government files with stunning details about the world's most credible UFO sightings and alien encounters. The series pieces together the data on these incidents, and tries to answer the question: what really happened?