

Animation Drama
Japanese     6.8     2017     Japan


Yuu Haruna, a loner and an avid Twitter user, has just transferred to a new school in Tokyo. He ends up befriending a unique high school girl named Fuuka Akitsuki, despite some initial conflict, and the two wind up forming a band together with their classmates. Their relationship becomes strained however when Koyuki Hinashi, Yuu's childhood friend who has become a popular idol, contacts Yuu on Twitter and attempts to rekindle long lost feelings.


Jagx wrote:
The power that on person can achieve. The small series shows us that if don't stop, there is no way we will fail at the end. It will hard, impossible, crazy and we just need to show compassion, and love from time. And we will be fine - just think about others good being and you will find your true purpose. And as we saw the love at the end 💕
