Professor Alice Roberts gets exclusive access to some of the most recently uncovered archaeology in Egypt as she travels the country by train.
It spans over 5,000 years of history that have shaped the world. It is full of spectacular sites and epic stories and an evolving society of inventors, heroes, heroines, villains, artisans and pioneers. Professor Joann Fletcher reveals the highs and lows of the most beguiling civilisation in humanity’s rich history in this four-part series made for BBC2.
Experts dive deep into the secrets of Ancient Egypt, and use cutting-edge archaeological technology to reveal the hidden truths that could potentially answer questions that have befuddled Egyptologists for generations.
I went backpacking around Egypt & Jordan for one month by myself. Egypt & Jordan are undoubtedly on most people's travel bucket lists, but I've always had the impression that the majority of people travel there on an organised tour. So I wanted to give it a go by myself and see what it was like booking everything on the go, treating it like a normal backpacking trip.
A documentary that explores the dim world of illicit trade in antiquities, as well as the long and hard struggle for the repatriation of all stolen treasures.
An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world's richest seam of ancient archaeology - Egypt's Valley of the Kings.
Trajectoires d'Egypte
Presented by Egyptologist Dr Joann Fletcher who goes on a fascinating journey in search of people like us, not the great Pharaohs, but the ordinary people who built and populated this incredible place, creating a remarkable way of life. Dr Joann explores their homes, workplaces and temples. The programme originally aired on BBC2 and we meet Kha and Meryt, an architect and his wife who lived just outside the Valley of the Kings. They left behind a treasure trove of information; their extraordinary tomb, full of objects from their lives and deaths - from make-up to death-masks, loaves of bread to life-like figurines, even the tools Kha used at work in the royal tombs. Joann Fletcher uses this to travel into the remarkable world of these Ancient Egyptians,.
Tony Robinson goes on a journey across Egypt where a series of incredible new tomb discoveries are being made.
Television drama serial about various archaeological discoveries taking place in that country's history, with the occasional 'flashback' scene involving actors portraying the ancient Egyptians themselves.
Nové objevy ve starém Egyptě
Documentary telling the stories of the men and women who travelled across Egypt to uncover the earliest Christian texts.
Joanna Lumley goes on the trip of a lifetime - exploring the longest river in the world, the River Nile, from sea to source.
A series of ten one-hour documentaries which explores Arab history, culture and society from within through the lives and opinions of Arabs today.
Ruud Gullit en de mysteries van het oude Egypte
This three-part special tells the story of the Egyptian empire from its beginning in 1560 B.C. to its collapse in 1080 B.C. Interviews with scholars and dramatic re-creations bring the story to life.
Les aventuriers de l'Egypte ancienne
Around 5000 years ago, one of the largest and most powerful empires in history emerged on the Nile – Ancient Egypt. This mysterious era continues to fascinate us. In eight episodes, this series shows the unique achievements of the ancient Egyptians in government, culture, and society. International scientists and researchers decode the facets of this advanced civilisation. The first territorial state in history was founded more than 3000 years ago – making it older than any nation in existence today. Crises keep dividing the region and causing chaos, and it is these phases that the people on the Nile fear the most. They know that only order and stability can lead to prosperity. Egyptians are given a sense of identity and unity by their diverse cultures.
Les mystères du Nil
A guided tour of the history of numbers and how they’ve shaped the development of humankind is at the heart of this unique series. In five episodes that take us across time and around the world, we see how mathematics played an important role in ancient Egypt and Greece, early India, medieval Europe, and our own modern world. Computer graphics make mathematical formulae accessible and interesting, while dramatic reenactments of history pique the viewer’s interest.