Türkisch für Anfänger is a critically acclaimed German television comedy-drama series, which premiered on March 14, 2006 on Das Erste. It was created by Bora Dağtekin and produced by Hoffmann & Voges Ent. The show focuses on the German-Turkish stepfamily Schneider-Öztürk, their everyday lives and particularly on the eldest daughter Lena, who narrates the show. During the show's run of 52 episodes, topics covered included both typical problems of teenagers and cross-cultural experiences. Due to popular demand, the crew shot a third season consisting of 16 episodes, which were aired in Fall 2008. The show was also successful on foreign markets and got sold to and broadcast in more than 70 countries.
Pazar Kılasiği
Sanem, a young girl with aspirations of becoming a writer, is forced by her parents to choose between an arranged marriage and finding a proper job. Rushing into a new job at an advertising company, she soon falls for her boss, Can.
Driven by revenge, human-turned-vampire Mia sets out to vanquish Dmitry, a ruthless vampire leader who seeks an artifact that grants immortality.
Singer and actress Meral Polat searches for the roots of Turkish pop music. The music that the guest workers from Turkey brought with them to Europe. But she also meets the artists who are currently leading the charts with psychedelic rock, hip-hop and electro-pop.
Abenteuer Türkei
There is something so magical about celebrations during the holidays! On Martha Holidays, Martha will reveal the best dishes to serve from dazzling desserts to scrumptious roasts and the perfect roast turkey. Plus decorating tips, gift ideas, crafts and so many things that make the season special. Martha Holidays will bring to life the joy of watching the holidays done beautifully.
Epic independence fight in 21st century. Turkish independence war against occupying forces (Greece, England, France, Italy) in her land.
Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II wages an epic campaign to take the Byzantine capital of Constantinople and shapes the course of history for centuries.
The story is about why people's destinies are intertwined, how they influence each other and how this changes the world around us.
The comic series, Koningshuis the Musical, takes place behind the scenes at a musical production about the Dutch Royals.
Rumms! Die News Show
Rund um die Uhr
Li Yanhao, a freshman wrongly accused of being a pervert after trying to help someone, sees his reputation ruined. Feeling lost, he joins Yu Lan's team to create a short film and finds a new direction and purpose, despite the team's lack of experience.
Salto de Fé