

Drama Soap
Thai     8.6     2018     Thailand


The main heroine - a princess of a small country, comes into danger after her coronation. To protect her they send her to Thailand, where the main hero - a navy man- becomes her bodyguard.


azet123 wrote:
I watched the Master Edition of "The Crown Princess" that consisted of 13 Episodes. Being a hard-core NY-fan myself i was one of the many people who looked forward to this lakhorn since the start of 2017.I have watched and do appreaciate Anne Thong`s former productions, so i knew this would be a terrific story..and starring our beloved koo-kwans as the main-couple already made this golden for me. As you can see by my rating, i was not disappointed. The plot itself is around a throne that has to be protected, but it so much more than a throne everyone wants. Its the life of everyone around this story, and that it can touch everyone. Alice Madeleine Theresa Phillips is head-strong and a fighter and warrior of her own. She is a princess who early in her life had to learn to defend herself and survive all hardships and weapons her enemies keep throwing at her. No wonder she never could trust anyone easily, since every one around her wanted to kill her for the throne. For her protection she has to marry the honorable and brave Lieutenant Commander Davin Samuthyakorn and takes on the identity as a commoner. Its a delight to watch Alice throw herself into danger, in which Davin always ends up saving her. These two lonely souls finds solace in each others company, therefore they fall irrevocably in love. Deep down knowing its impossible for a commoner and princess to marry, these two struggles to accept their fates and duties,instead of following their hearts. Its a powerful made lakhorn with a very powerful message, and i am happy that this lakhorn ended with a nice conclusion and a HEA for our main-leads. Can someone agree with how smothering hot Nadech looked in his performance as Davin, and just how magnificently beautiful Yaya looked as Alice! Just wow, these two together totally lighted up the screen! I love one dialuge from Davin which expressed the pureness and selfless nature in his love for Alice: " I am just happy looking up at the sky,without ever having to possess it".This lakhorn has always showed us Alice and Davin`s impossible love-story through that metaphor-in which Davin is as strong as the mountain, and Alice as high as the sky. There are moments of laughs (especially in the start of their marriage) and moments of bitter-sweet romance and moments of honesty...and moments of deadly action..and indeed moments of heartbreak. I still cry every time Nadech and Yaya cry...and they poured their hearts out while playing Davin and Alice! I also have to give credit for Sara Legge for her supporting character! She made one of a hell performance as Princess Kate and i am amazed by her! Intad Leowrakwong as the care-free Prince Alan and his blooming romance with Danika was so freaking adorable- buddies to lovers! There was also the third couple i actually wished had more screen time (not always that happen) but i got what i got. There was also some unnecessary flash-back scenes near the end, which i think they could have replaced with more love-scenes with Davin and Alice. I also love the (real) kiss-scenes between Alice and Davin! And tell me about how more dramatic the episodes got near the end of it, trust Anne about sticking to the lakhorn closure about dramatics, just love it! The love-letter Alice got from Davin in the last episode totally made me cry my heart out damn! I have watched every lakhorn with Nadech and Yaya now, and just wow how they complete my expectations and hopes, the dynamics in their romance are different one in this drama, as their ranks and duties take much place in the distance between them. But the longing between Alice and Davin always shows in their eyes...so much that even that keeps the chemistry alive in fireworks!
