Little America

Inspiring and Unexpected Stories of Immigrants in America

TV-Shows Drama Comedy
English     6.75     2020     USA


Little America is an anthology series with different plots, actors, and directors in each of the episodes. The only thing that connects the episodes is that all the heroes of these little stories are immigrants who decided to stay in the United States for one reason or another.

Almost all episodes try to convey a very simple moral to the audience: the United States is a country of immigrants, always, at all times, immigrants have enriched America.

Most of the episodes are about people who have achieved a lot in the United States despite the low starting level. One of the heroes, who came from Nigeria, became a professor and dean of the Faculty of Economics in Louisiana. Another, having looked into the training room for free shoes, became a US national squash team player. After losing his job, the third began selling chocolate chip cookies on the street and became the symbol of Louisville, Kentucky.

Little America, despite the interesting idea and good execution, turned out to be more of a documentary sketch from the life of the United States. Little America is too simple with short-time episodes, but at the same time, it is instructive and motivating stories, different in design, mood, and ethnicity.
