"What a day" is a light variety reality show launched by Bilibili in the summer of 2020, produced by Atomic Entertainment. The regular members of the show are Hua Shaobei, LexBurner, LaoFanQie, Some Fantasy King, and the Chinese BOY Super Gorilla. Starting from July 24, it will be broadcast exclusively on Bilibili every Friday at 12:00 noon. Created by the UP host Hua Shaobei, LexBurner, LaoFanQie, Some Magic King, Chinese BOY Super Gorilla and Pharaoh! Summer limited theme song "Summer Boy".
Girls on Fire
Female celebrities gather on court to learn from seasoned coaches and train for victory as members of a newly formed amateur basketball team.
'The Time Hotel' is a hotel survival survival where 10 guests try to survive as the last one in the 'Time Hotel', where you can buy everything with time instead of money, and check out as soon as you run out of time. In 'Time Hotel', you can use everything from restaurants to cafes and room service by paying for time instead of money. Prize money up to 300 million won will be given to the final winner, who succeeds in managing time until the end by using the prize money earned through the game. From alliances to lies, betrayals, and conspiracies, it seems that we can get a glimpse of the colorful human group through the appearances of those who carry out their own survival strategies.
冲遊泰國 第七辑
This is the South Korean version of the American variety program Mickey Mouse Club. Except for the United States, which produced the Mickey Mouse Club, S.Korea became the first foreign language version of the show. Young members of SM Rookies appeared as the main stars, along with Super Junior's Leeteuk as the MC. Just like the original show, the cast prepare dances, cover popular songs, play games, and do drama sketches for the young audience to enjoy. It aired on S.Korea's Disney Channel.
ME:I's first official variety show.
10 artists from GMMTV, must live together under the same roof. They have to carry out exciting missions and achieve their important goals. in order to deliver good things to those in need.
나만 없어, KARA
A variety series dedicated to K-Pop idol group guests. Each episode, idol group guests will visit a specially designed theme park, where they can hang out virtually with their fans and fulfill global fans' wishes!
FIFTY FIFTY's “The Beginning: Cupid” Making Series