Eli Roth's History of Horror

What screams are made of.

English     6.4     2018     USA


An in-depth look at the history and pop cultural significance of horror films.


Repo Jack wrote:
Your mileage may vary between episodes, but for a horror fan, this series is outstanding. And if you are not a horror fan, it is suggested strongly that you stop reading or watch and turn to something else. Each episode, Eli Roth focuses on the most classic movies in a specific sub-genre while getting commentary from that movies director/writer/actor or a deep bench of horror/film aficionados such as Stephen King and Quentin TarantinoBe warned, If you are new to horror, or haven't seen all the movies featured, it will spoil everything. It showcases the most famous and/or best scenes of each referenced movie. For the rest of us horror peeps, its a great hour long recap / analysis of what should be our favorite films.
