Met de Joris - De Weg naar Metejoor
Matthieu Pepper, a fan of DANS UNE GALAXIE PRÈS DE CHEZ VOUS, sets himself the task of understanding what made the series such a success. Why are we still talking about it 25 years later? How did DANS UNE GALAXIE PRÈS DE CHEZ VOUS become a cult show? Through a series of encounters, Matthieu sheds light on this television phenomenon.
In the vacuum created by the absence of live music, TV4 and Live Nation invite you to a unique music experience together with some of Sweden's most popular artists.
A provocative and in-depth look at the making of a classic movie, providing viewers with great movies. And the stories behind them.
Sirenas rock
Riveting performances from the 2010 tour, revealing interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and early home videos come together to tell the story of a little girl who dared to dream big, and who fearlessly faced near-insurmountable obstacles to make those dreams come true.
J.K. Rowling’s orphan boy wizard took the world by storm, but before the first book was even published Warner Brothers had their eye on a franchise. But how to make it soar? In a leaky shed in the UK, these cinematic wizards build a whole new world and changed filmmaking forever. Through a revolving door of directors, an assortment of magical creatures, increasing demand for visual effects, and a cast that is growing up, the Harry Potter series continued to fascinate audiences. Get behind the wand to hear the secrets of the trials, threats, and near-death experiences from the people who made the magic happen on Icons Unearthed: Harry Potter.
Through short documentary episodes, key features of The Last of Us are shown.
Españoles animados
These blockbusters brought us together and gave us the time of our lives. Meet the actors, directors and industry insiders who made them happen.
À la recherche du Hobbit (French for Looking for the Hobbit) is an exploratory documentary series directed by Olivier Simonnet in 2014, in which illustrator John Howe, story-teller Nicolas Mezzalira, and Professor Leo Carruthers of the University of Paris-Sorbonne explore real-world settings and famous myths that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien's mythology. The documentary explores many locations of Medieval significance.
The story of how Arcane came to be. Learn the origins of Riot Games' relationship with Fortiche Productions, the animation studio behind the series, and how the two teamed up to bring the world of League of Legends to life and create the animated series’ unique story, characters, and style.
A beautiful and intimate look into the pivotal, life-changing songs, moments and experiences of brilliant musicians that inspire the world over.
Demi Lovato holds nothing back in this powerful four part documentary series exploring every aspect that led to their nearly fatal overdose in 2018, and their awakenings in the aftermath. Director Michael D. Ratner is granted unprecedented access to the superstar’s personal and musical journey during the most trying time of their life as they unearth their prior traumas and discovers the importance of their physical, emotional, and mental health. Far deeper than an inside look beyond the celebrity surface, this is an intimate portrait of addiction, and the process of healing and empowerment.
The rise of the independent record industry in Scotland and why it continues to produce some of the most interesting and influential pop music in the world - as told by the indie pioneers and global superstars who made the music, the people behind the scenes, and the fans.
La boîte à musique
A series about the evolution of various spheres of Ukrainian culture and its modern heroes. This is the result of 100+ interviews and stories about how whole layers of culture were created in Ukraine. It is an attempt to capture the outbreak that is happening today and that we are waiting for tomorrow, to understand the strengths and weaknesses, identify trends and find answers to questions that concern. Each episode reveals an important topic: from the phenomenon of Ukrainian pop music and clipmaking to movies, comedy, street art and local clothing brands.
The filmmakers and actors behind "Money Heist" characters like Tokyo and the Professor talk about the emotional and artistic process of filming Money Heist.