An immersion into the daily lives of forest workers and rangers through an 8-month forestry season. The series follows a team of emergency mechanics struggling to repair broken equipment, cooks responsible for feeding 400 workers a week, and truck drivers hauling 100 tons of lumber across a 200-kilometer trek to the nearest sawmill.
In the Pacific Northwest, Jared Douglas and his logging crew risk life and limb to harvest the planet’s remote and valuable trees, but getting these giants from the forest to market is deadly.
Following four logging companies in British Columbia as they fight through extreme weather and merciless terrain to harvest one of Canada’s most vital natural resources.
Follows the dangerous work of logger and sawmill owner Kevin Wenstob as he and his crew go to extremes to keep the family sawmill, and their way of life, alive.
Danger is a full-time job for these brave men who put everything on the line each and every day to retrieve the Pacific Northwest timber with which we build our country. Snapped cables, runaway logs and razor-sharp chainsaws are just some of the dangers that threaten their lives daily. Even with new technology that should make the job easier, anything and everything can and does go wrong.
What happens when you call 113? Follow the people when they take care of others on their worst days.
Celebrated as one of the greatest R&B singers of all time, R. Kelly’s genre defining career and playboy lifestyle has been riddled with rumors of abuse, predatory behavior, and pedophilia. Despite damning evidence and multiple witnesses, to date, none of these accusations have seemingly affected him. For the first time ever, survivors and people from R. Kelly’s inner circle, are coming forward with new allegations about his sexual, mental, and physical abuse. They are now finally ready to share their full story and shed light on the secret life the public has never seen.
21st Century War Machines
The most spectacular vehicles in the world are milestones of engineering that have changed land, water, and air transport for good. Each episode features a different class of vehicle, from the breathtakingly fast to the impressively powerful.
Revealing the extraordinary animals, astonishing landscapes and remarkable people who live alongside the Amazon, Mississippi and Nile.
With unique and unprecedented access to one of the world's oldest social networking societies this series asks who are the Freemasons and what do they do?
This two-part series tells the story of the conflict in Afghanistan and asks what has been achieved and whether the British have the will to fight in distant lands again.
Sue Perkins, Alison Steadman and Stephen Mangan use a new form of navigation, Natural Navigation, in order to learn more about the UK and the areas that mean something to them.
This is Life
Liz Bonnin sets out to explore how animals meet, mate and in some cases form lifelong relationships, shining a light on the extraordinary emotions that it seems animals are capable of.
Helicopter Wars
12 años sin piedad
Doctors Chris and Xand van Tulleken put competing health theories to the test with the help of 30 other pairs of identical twins.
This epic science special explores how genetics have underpinned the whole of human evolution, from our rise from a class of primates on the African plain to our spread across Earth. It asks how genetics could play an even greater role in determining where evolution will take us next. Location filming combined with state-of-the-art computer visualizations tell the amazing story of the human race.
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