I Am Not Okay with This

Fear of being funny. Fear of rejection

TV-Shows Netflix Drama
English     8     2020     USA


I Am Not Okay with This is American coming-of-age comedy-drama television series, directed by Jonathan Entwistle for Netflix, based on the comic book of the same name by Charles Forsman, with young actors played in It.

The main character of the fantastic TV series I Am Not Okay with This is a 17-year-old girl, Sydney Novak. She looks like an ordinary girl, a high school student with standard adolescent experiences and problems with parents, peers, and studies. But in fact, Sydney is not exactly an ordinary girl. She has several secrets that she can only share with her diary. Sydney was beginning to explore her sexuality and found herself in love with Dina, her best friend. But she carefully hides this fact, as well as the fact that she has supernatural powers. Sidney has telekinesis power and can affect various objects from a distance. She does not completely control her strength. The girl doesn't like it, but she doesn't know how to deal with it yet.

I Am Not Okay with This is primarily about fears. Fear of being funny. Fear of rejection. The fear of not being like everyone else. Fear of being misunderstood. The manifestation of Sydney's superpower that destroys everything around the girl is a very straightforward analogy of adolescent anger directed at parents, teachers, and others. Anger is a defensive reaction. I Am Not Okay with This is an excellent and beautifully filmed TV series for teenagers, the duration of one episode is 20 minutes, so one evening should definitely be devoted to this series.
