This documentary series offers an insight into the SQ's tactical intervention group (GTI). Their primary mission is to intervene in armed sieges and strike against criminal groups. The selection camp allows this unit to recruit the best possible candidates.
Historier fra en politistation
A live in-depth look at the brave American heroes who put their own lives on the line as they race into danger to save others. Television journalist Josh Elliott puts the spotlight on first responders, such as police officers, EMS technicians and firefighters who risk their lives every day to ensure the safety of their communities.
Body cameras capture the life-or-death decisions made by police officers, from domestic disputes to traffic stops gone dangerously awry.
De zaak van je leven
Examining British policing as forces up and down the country try to cope under the pressure of budget cuts.
Tajné akce StB
Poliisit on suomalainen Aito Median tuottama dokumentaarinen televisiosarja, jota esitetään Jim-kanavalla. Ohjelma kuvaa todellista poliisin työtä ja sitä, mitä poliisipartio saa työssään kohdata Suomen suurimmissa kaupungeissa. Sarja toteutetaan yhteistyössä sisäasiainministeriön poliisiosaston kanssa. Sarjan ensiesitys 26. tammikuuta 2009 rikkoi 247 000 katsojallaan Jimin katsojaennätyksen. Poliisit on myös Nelonen Median netti-tv:n katsotuimpia ohjelmia. Muita suomalaisia poliisin toimintaan liittyviä televisiosarjoja ovat Subin Lainvalvojat ja Yle TV2:n Poliisi-TV. Sarjan ohjelmaformaatti myytiin Yhdysvaltoihin keväällä 2010. Aito Media Oy solmi sopimuksen Scott Sternberg -tuotantoyhtiön ja Weinberger Median kanssa. Sopimus solmittiin Scott Sternbergin kanssa Cannesissa järjestettävillä MIPTV-messuilla.
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Operação Policial
Echte Verhalen: De Buurtpolitie
RBT is an Australian factual television show that looks at the everyday workings of Random Breath Testing police units. The show began on Nine Network in 27 June 2010 and follows RBT patrols testing for alcohol and drug affected drivers. A second series began in February 2011. The show is transmitted in the UK on Watch under the title "Booze Patrol Australia".
For the first time, the SPVM's sexual crimes squad gives access to its investigators and their daily lives. These sexual assault investigations are complex, delicate, and among the most difficult to conduct. The public will witness the handling of a complaint and the investigation process until the possible arrest and conviction of a suspect.
Explores the day-to-day workings of a modern and busy custody suite, the ‘gateway’ for anyone entering the criminal justice system. From first-time lawbreakers to repeat offenders, from drink drivers to armed robbers, shedding light on the faces and stories behind the people that soon become just another crime statistic.
For the very first time, the SQ has agreed to open its doors to the cameras, and the results are unfiltered and uncensored! Chases, arrests and investigations are all on tap!
Investigating a murder is hard enough. But when detectives realize the killer knows how to stage a crime scene to throw them off, the job gets even more difficult. They’re hunting down criminals who are sworn to protect and serve -- killers with a badge.
Policías en acción
Poliisit - kotihälytys