This series follows the hectic and often unpredictable daily life of Quebec’s trash collectors. From dawn to dusk, these heroes of the trash world criss-cross the streets of the city to pick up as much as 25 tons of trash a day. These people often work in hard conditions and under extreme weather. They work non-stop, despite the numerous aches and injuries, to keep up with the schedule. ÉBOUEURS reveals the many aspects of this often undervalued but essential profession, and tells the stories of those who often work in the shadows.
When the United States of America was founded, the ideals of freedom and equality did not apply to all people. These are the stories of the brave Americans who fought to right the nation’s wrongs and enshrine the values we hold most dear into the Constitution — with liberty and justice for all.
Raed Hammoud helms an all-new docuseries that follows immigrants who have chosen to move to Quebec’s regions and make a difference in their adopted communities. The host discovers their stories and how they help to enrich and unify these diverse societies.
Lowrider Montréal
Tusen dagar i Sverige
Naufragés des villes
Chroniques de la vie ordinaire
L'escroc : l'affaire Norbourg
À deux pas de la liberté
Geneviève Guérard goes behind the scenes to explore the incredible world of cheerleading, with the Canadian Football League Montreal Alouettes cheerleading squad.
A journey of discovery through the ritual celebrations of Quebec’s various immigrant communities, as seen through the eyes of the local Greek, Portuguese, Lebanese, Moroccan, Chinese, Brazilian, Russian, Senegalese and other communities.
Eight undocumented families' fates roller-coast as the United States' immigration policies are transformed.
Six average Americans are confronted with the realities of illegal immigration while retracing the footsteps of dead border runners.
Urgence santé mentale
Tells the inside story of the challenges the Lebanese Australian community has faced in Australia and how they have fought to overcome them. This landmark documentary series hears from community leaders, police, families and individuals, as they combine to tell the compelling and dramatic story of a proud and resilient community, under intense pressure and scrutiny. The story begins in the 1970s when large numbers of Lebanese migrants flooded into Australia. Many were Muslim, most were traumatised by civil war, all were desperate to build a better future. Over the coming decades, these new Australians struggled to establish a new life in their adopted country.
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Classe à part
A group of online justice seekers track down a guy who posted a video of him killing kittens.