

Animation Action & Adventure Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Japanese     8.357     2021     Japan


In a world of monsters, adventurers and magic, some of the most gifted healers are subjugated to brute force. Keyaru gains the ability to rewind time and turns the tables on those who’ve exploited him in this dark fantasy tale of vengeance and fury.


ZeBlah wrote:
Warning - extreme physical and psychological violence. Dropped after having watched the first 3 episodes. Appalling.
DallasBob wrote:
First and foremost, those looking for a review before watching this **Redo of Healer** (_Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi_) series: It is **NOT** for the Soy-boys, children, or Soccer-moms. The only reason this anime is not listed under the Hentai labelling is because there are no direct action shots of intercourse. There **_IS_** a lot of extremely implied sexual acts; meaning there is **NO mistaking** what is taking place. The abuse in this series is graphic, and _does not spare either gender_!! There, now that you have been warned..... This anime is not isekai, but the story of individuals in a fantasy world who are gifted with abilities. Unfortunately there are those who would abuse the privilage of power, and they take their full measure of abuse out on the soon-to-be protagonist. The cruel actions of other gifted individuals along with their Favored standing status with royalty, and their fellow aristocratic gifted individuals allows them to get away their sadistic behavior whereever they go. Not only does the series run through the "anti-hero's" abuse at the hands of other gifted heroes, it shows the harmful fetish kinks of the other abusers the realm calls heros. One adult male hero has an abusive affinity for boys, another female hero is a lesbian that takes advantage of adoring village girls by spiking their drinks and then violating thier semi-unconscious forms. Another male hero is the run-of-the-mill raptist. The story is about the anti-hero bringing these dispicable individuals just revenge for the atrocities they commit, as well as their foul treatment of him. He has his list of heros to get to, but also his revenge includes the king and his lands as well; the King having sided with the evil heros when false allegations were brought against the anti-hero. His revenge is plotted on a very wide scale, and he realizes he will need help to get things done. That is when he either creates his allies from the foul heros he's conquered or buys them as slaves. This is another aspect of the series the coddled weak-minded viewers have a problem with. The wolf girl slave the anti-hero purchases is...not very mature looking. In order to ensure team unity, the anti-hero keeps **_all_** females engaged regulary as his harem. There are some things, culturally, that may be "cringy" to certain outsiders but this is where having _**the ability to keep your viewing within context is expected!**_ It is fantasy. She is a beast person or demi-human. You don't know how they conduct themselves or how they view such actions unless you watch the series!! If you jump to the wrong conclusions because of what you believe, then that is on you to resolve. **The show is not bad becuase you disagree.** You have a choice like the commenter above. If you don't like it, then don't watch it. That's what I did with _Overlord_, and people love that series; no matter how bloody inconsistant it is. It is widely said that this series is highly contraversal. I don't get it. I say watch it for yourself and you decide. I liked it and I hope it has a conclusive 2nd season. I want to see how he takes revenge on the remaining two "heros" on his list, and how he deals with the king. Good Luck in your viewing!! -- Bob --
