First installment in a series about local Japanese urban legends. This installment includes 'Turbo-Granny', 'Gomiko-san' and 'Mom Comes at Night'.
Do our eyes perceive all that there is to this world? Sometimes the camera seems to pick up more than we can see with the naked eye. In the 'PSC' series a team of ghost-hunters analyzes authentic paranormal footage captured on home videos and surveillance cameras all across Japan. Third entry in the PSC series.
The moment you point your camera at a mysterious object and release the shutter, you have already entered a deep forest inhabited by spirits... Contains four episodes including "The House Where Evil Spirits Dwell" and "Underground Idols.
Many ghost images have been posted on "Horror Story of a Million People", which is attracting attention as a post-type ghost story collection site even today... The resentments, regrets, sorrows, and fears of the grudges may be manifesting themselves there. The video posted here is so shocking that even TV stations are reluctant to broadcast it.
The real curse freak is proliferating all over Japan! A monumental psychic documentary.
A number of "things that should not be reflected" and "things that should not be taken" that everyday images were captured by chance. Is that a warning to us from the spirit world? Or is it a sign of a curse?
The 4th horror documentary released by the staff of "Real Horror Ghost Video" series. Includes all 10 posted videos that director Junpei Tsuchida has lifted the ban on to death. Here is the most terrifying message from an evil spirit who left this world with a strong grudge.
The most terrifying work of the summer classic genre, horror, is completed! The 5th installment of the series! 10 consecutive videos of horror posts! I'm ready to die a curse and the ban will be lifted again!!
A couple on a date who visited an abandoned tunnel of a haunted spot. Evil spirits nesting there attack one after another! … “Woman in White”. A contributor who bought a new smartphone. When I was taking a test shot near the railroad crossing near the triangle zone, there was a fear! ? … Includes 8 carefully selected videos.
The 63rd installment in the “Sealed Videos” series, investigating the truly dreadful in horror videos.
The 61st installment in the “Sealed Videos” series, investigating the truly dreadful in horror videos.
49th entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.
32nd entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.
45th entry in the 'Sealed Video' franchise from the production team of 'Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video'.
A video of the author's man stopping by a certain ruin with his friends while driving. While the contributors are exploring the ruins, you can hear a loud noise from the upper floor. After that, I went up to the upper floor, and when I entered a room, I found a doll wearing charred clothes falling in the room. After that, things in the room float in the air by themselves and fall ....
68th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.
67th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.
69th entry in the popular "Honto ni Atta. Noroi no Video" series.
First volume in the 2 Channel series.
The video circle of S Women's University was covering a bizarre incident. However, the reporter suddenly disappeared, and only the tape remained.