Narrative revolves around an individual confined within the constraints of their existing reality, yearning to break free into a dream world—only to realize that the dream world had been their prison all along.
Der Rand
Shot in 16mm, Berenice is Rohmer’s first finished film. The film is based on a story by Edgar Allen Poe about a man who becomes obsessed with his fiancé’s teeth. The film was shot at Andre Bazin’s house by Jacques Rivette. Rivette also edited the film.
A delirious and psychedelic TV short by Suzuki.
Sara reads a story to Victor at night, a story about a grieving princess and a brave prince. Gradually the story draws nearer to their lives until converge in a fatal outcome.
In a universe where history has been ravaged by time-travelling criminals, federal agent Zellion Hadrax IV travels to 1970s England, tasked with hunting them down.
The answer was in front of them the whole time.
A young girl witnesses the murder of her family by a mysterious killer. Now she must try to survive before the killer finds her.
Rae never knew her mother - but on the morning of her father's birthday, Rae receives an old keepsake from her parents' mysterious past.
A black and white silent short film, set on the Greek Cycladic island of Tenos. A woman in black is mourning inside a simple house. Reality blends with dreamy imagination, and tradition with insidious desires.
Short film.
A late night radio host goes off on a rant about his disdain for magicians. But when a man claiming to be a magician calls on air, things get increasingly sinister.
A mischievous eight-year-old discovers a magical wooden box locked inside her house, mistakenly releasing the supernatural danger within it.
A man gathers all the necessary supplies for a party. Chips, pretzels, and most importantly, lots of drugs. Once people start arriving, the party goes wild. He’s in complete ecstasy, only to discover that the party may not be what it seems.
A man grapples with his anxiety, attempting to calm him self in the shadow of his idols. As the ideal and the real collide.
Late one night, a mechanic invites the mysterious Magpie to his garage.
13 Courts Mortels
A tale of all-consuming desire.
A half-hour experimental film that shows Fukui moving towards cyberpunk imagery in a manner similar to Tsukamoto, featuring industrial locations, a malfunctioning cyborg/android and a hulking metallic ‘caterpillar’ that stalks characters.
A respected cop has been assigned to a what seems to be an unsolvable series of murder cases only to discover a pattern and the fate of her own.