“Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a captivating mini-documentary that takes us on a fascinating journey through the world of a skilled artisan who works with wood at an eco-solidarity fair held in a university environment. In this brief and inspiring portrait, we explore the life and craft of Manoel, a master craftsman whose hands transform tree trunks into true works of art. Through beautiful images, testimonials and captivating photographs, the documentary reveals Manoel's passion for his art. He shares his inspirations and motivations, highlighting how his work is deeply rooted in sustainability and respect for nature. “Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a mini-documentary that not only celebrates the talent and dedication of an exceptional artisan, but also reminds us of the importance of supporting initiatives and fairs that promote eco-solidarity, art and sustainability in a vibrant and inspiring university .
Explore the lives of the lucky few who call Britain's most magnificent mansions home. Meet the custodians of Castle Ward, Croft Castle, and Castell Penrhyn as they navigate daily life amidst priceless antiques and stunning landscapes.
Plastic: The Real Sea Monster
Quand la Seine débordera
In the 1950s, a devastating fog descended on London and enveloped the capital for several days, leaving Londoners lost in their own streets in one of the UK's biggest peacetime catastrophes.
With rising sea levels, land reclamation runs rampant in Singapore. Labrador Park is one such waterfront facing this change, and both the ecosystem and frequent fishermen have often been overlooked. This documentary seeks to explore the park's development from a scientific, economic and sociological perspective, produced in collaboration with SOTA and NUS.
A look at the state of the global environment including visionary and practical solutions for restoring the planet's ecosystems. Featuring ongoing dialogues of experts from all over the world, including former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev, renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, former head of the CIA R. James Woolse
Danish culinary entrepreneur and Noma co-founder Claus Meyer has kickstarted a gastronomic revolution in Bolivia’s capital of La Paz with the opening of Gustu, a fine-dining restaurant and cooking school for the country’s impoverished youth. Kenzo, a hunter raised in the Bolivian Amazon, and Maria Claudia, a native of the Andean altiplano, have resettled in La Paz in order to pursue a career in the culinary arts. Under the tutelage of Meyer, these young Bolivians are working towards a better future as they attempt to establish their country as the world’s next great culinary destination.
The Harvest Mouse: Grassland Acrobat
Biosludged reveals how the EPA is committing science fraud to allow the ongoing poisoning of our world with toxic sewage sludge that's being spread on food crops. Features former top government scientist and EPA whistleblower Dr. David Lewis.
After the trying constraints of lockdown and social distancing that brutally reduced urban space to its strict minimum, making it into a place where isolated individuals merely cohabit, Homo Urbanus is a cinematic odyssey offering a vibrant tribute to what we have been most cruelly deprived of: namely, public space. Taking the form of a free-wheeling journey around the world (10 films, 10 cities), the project invites us to observe in detail the multiple forms and complex interactions that exist every day between people and their urban environments. Somewhere between visual anthropology and observational cinema, these films put urban man under the microscope and encourage us to take a closer look at individual and collective behaviour, interpersonal dynamics, social tensions, and the economic and political forces that play out every day on the grand stage of the city streets.
Atmospheric soundtrack follows this compilation of nature footage that focuses on the ocean and various life forms that live, mate and die in it.
An educational film about the life cycles of various types of pond life.
In Guangdong Yangchun, a large number of villagers have been suffering from strokes and cancers after some dangerous heavy metal waste has been illegally discharged in the villages. Artist Nut Brother decides to take action. With his team, he creates a group of Heavy Metal music and plays at sites that have been poluted by heavy metals to raise awareness among the population.
1960s Egyptian documentary showing scenes of local life along the banks of the River Nile, with narration by Salah Jahin
On December 4, 1872, the unmanned Mary Celeste was found adrift in the Atlantic with its cargo fully intact. The mystery of this "ghost ship" remained unanswered for over 135 years. What happened to the Mary Celeste is widely regarded as the most famous mystery of the sea. Watch it unfold to its stunning conclusion, at last.
After traveling the globe to highlight low-tech, Corentin de Chatelperron has set himself a new challenge: to live independently, alone for four months, on a bamboo raft floating in Phang Nga Bay, Thailand. On his 70 square meter platform, the engineer, passionate about ecology and system D, puts into practice what he has learned in order to feed himself and produce his own energy.
Africa in the sixties. The Nile perch, a ravenous predator, is introduced into Lake Victoria as a scientific experiment, causing the extinction of many native species. Its meat is exported everywhere in exchange for weapons, creating a globalized evil alliance on the lake shores. An infernal nightmare in the real world that wipes out Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
Deep sea: 1000m below the surface no light, immense pressure and icy temperatures. The deep sea encompasses more than 90% of the planets habitat. Yet we know less about these depths than about the moon. This film documents the technical, scientific, and ecological challenges of deep sea researchers. Scientists work worldwide together to collect data on the physical state of the upper ocean. With more than 3000 autonomous floats they monitor the oceans for influences on weather systems like El Nino or the monsoon. Does it affect global climate change? Does the deep sea offer solutions for the CO2 issue? Researchers in the Okinawa Trough are trying to find out. The sea floor harbors enormous amounts of resources: oil, natural gas, methane. Scientists work hard to try and locate these materials. Millions of deep sea dwellers are waiting for their discovery. The Census of Marine Life is trying to catalogue these bizarre ocean creatures before they disappear.
Deep Blue is a major documentary feature film shot by the BBC Natural History Unit. An epic cinematic rollercoaster ride for all ages, Deep Blue uses amazing footage to tell us the story of our oceans and the life they support.