Full Circle is an animated short film that presents the Moon and Earth’s relationship through a narrative medium. It journeys through a sleepless night, conquering the semi-conscious moonlit world and the retrospective nature of the night. The personal stories of twenty experts and enthusiasts in astronomical fields construct the narrative and its landscapes — coffee tables, paper planes, corridors, among other things. This anecdotal format seeks to present science through the eyes of humanity, prompting the audience to experience scientific information through the familiar mundanity of life. The humanistic vision of science acts as a launchpad for curiosity and allows the audience to access science through their own experiential libraries.
A Gossy New Wave Production - A lonely and obsessive young man asks an old friend to help him fix a mysterious ironing board.
Undersea adventure in snowy city. A short cartoon film as a homage to Jacques Cousteau.
Dede is dead. Before, she was always around: day and night, outside or inside, nestled in the family's arms. In his animation, Philippe Kastner shows the darkness of grief and the rich colours of memories and dreams. Dede was not just any dog. She was his dog.
Dva sloni
After her mother's death, Kim finds solace in wearing her mother's old sweater. However, the sweater begins to itch and even hurt her, but she still can't bring herself to take it off.
Out of cigarettes, a man goes to unconventional lengths to get his nicotine fix.
When I Grow Up
In a robotic society moved by the consumption of colorful mechanic members, an insecure gray robot faces the pressure to find the perfect piece for himself.
The film explores girlhood, the positives, the negatives and how that binds us together as women. A feminist film which will give an insight of how precious it is to be a woman and how we build safe environments within our female friendships which allow us to explore our femininity.
"LIMINAL" is an animated student short film where we follow a little creature trying to find an end to his monotony, isolation, and loneliness.
Jour de Pluie
The puppet film Mashkin Killed Koshkin, based on the short story of the same name by Daniil Kharms, is a small, absurd story of two heroes who personify the essence of the so-called "Russian soul".
After her best friend leaves to Lunar University, Geo has to deal with his absence on Earth when carnival season arrives.
A duck accidentally eats a radioactive burger that turns him giant. Shenanigans ensue when the people of Smallville panic and will do everything to demonize and destroy this innocent duck without realizing the damage they themselves do.
Libelle, Nix's mother, possessed exceptional abilities. She not only excelled in the fields of science and engineering, but also gained fame as a distinguished inventor and composer. Nevertheless, at a tender age, Nix, an aspiring musician and inventor in her own right, is now burdened with the responsibility of upholding this remarkable legacy.
After an unproductive appointment, the Subject returns home as their bottled up emotions reach a boiling point.