Following the crew at the fictional company Maccom, where they navigate the chaotic battlefield common to Korean start-ups. Steve is the slightly mad mastermind behind Maccom, while Ashley is on the innovation team and is one of his smartest employees.
The comedy here is a complete miss. Outside of a few pop culture references and some ridiculous overacting, this might be the worst attempt at comedy I've seen in years. Absolutely tedious to sit through.
The main leads were quite good with their performance and dynamic, while the supporting cast were a mixed bag between bad and decent. It's a sitcom so the main selling point would be its comedy. It was interesting initially with a good pace but it didn't last for too long before things started to get repeated while some jokes remained in the bland and quirky territory. Aside from its comedy, there was a little bit of story going on which was brought into the front in its second half. With it, there was a shift into a regular drama tone, and personal relationships became the focus. Also, for some reason they found it necessary to pair multiple people together, they should've wrote more material within its initial theme instead.