Jump Britain is a 2005 documentary about free running. Directed by Mike Christie and produced by Carbon Media, it is a sequel to Channel 4's Jump London. Two of the three free runners from Jump London, Sébastien Foucan and Jérôme Ben Aoues, appear alongside the members of Urban freeflow, as they interact with numerous famous landmarks all over Britain. Another section of the documentary sees various members of Urban Freeflow go on a 'pilgrimage' to Lisses, France. The trip includes a visit to the famous Dame Du Lac. Free running is a physical discipline which grew from Parkour, led by David Belle. The free runners tackle some of the UK's most iconic sites including Edinburgh Castle and the Forth Rail Bridge in Scotland, the Giant's Causeway and Derry's walls in Northern Ireland, the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, the Tyne Bridge in Newcastle and the International Convention Centre in Birmingham. The original soundtrack was composed by Ian Masterson and Thomas Beach, and was released on iTunes, as well as appearing as an extra on the DVD release.
Princesse Shéhérazade
Unable to hear, speak, or wield a sword, Prince Bojji doesn’t seem like a typical heir to the throne—and his kingdom agrees. But his fateful encounter with Kage, a shadow on the ground, gives him his first true friend. The two set off on a grand adventure and, together, form a bond that can overcome any obstacle...even being king.
Cestvs enters his first match at the slave gladiator training school. Though he's bewildered to discover that his opponent is his best friend, he wins the match, and his opponent is killed on the spot. According to his instructor Zafar, losers have no future. "Every time you win, your opponent will die. You're practically a murderer!" With all his sorrow and rage clenched in his fists, Cestvs survives, as one after another powerful opponents stand in his way, as well as the shadow of Nero, fifth emperor of the Roman Empire. With no other way to secure his freedom, can Cestvs seize his future?!
The story follows the Kirihara brothers who from a young age were incarcerated in a secure scientific facility due to their supernatural powers, having escaped after the barrier that was preventing them malfunctions. The story also follows the Kuroki brothers who are trying to chase the Kirihara brothers.
Ja for Fanø!
EgiptoManía: El fascinante mundo del antiguo egipto
Inspector YUAI HUI (Lui Leung wai) and girlfriend CHU PAO WEN (Kiki sheung Tien ngor) are close to getting married, but they break due to a minor row. Hui subsequently develops an affair with Lady Senior Inspector LIN HIS YA(Cally Kwong Mei Wan), but their engagement is trouble-ridden. HUI’s sister LI HUNG, a juvenile delinquent, cherishes an unrequited love for HUI’s subordinate MA JO CHI (Wong Shi Ki). LI KUNG accidentally hurts someone and is caught red-handed by her brother. He sets her free and is exposed and gets fired as a result. HUI runs a tourist agent and PAO WEN ruins it out of vengeance, making him bankrupt. HUI then conspires with his cousin YUAN AN to rob. When AN Kills a passer-by in a car accident, HUI bears the brunt and gets jailed. Learning of this, LI HUNG often blackmails AN. AN sends someone to threaten LI HUNG, indirectly causing her death……
Historian Bettany Hughes has embarked on an epic, personal journey. Inspired by Homer's The Odyssey, she will sail the unpredictable Mediterranean seas, tracing Odysseus's long journey home. Her mission: to experience what the Greek hero experienced and to uncover truths behind the myths and legends, all while enjoying the delights of ancient Greece today. Follow her 1,700-mile adventure as it takes her to over a dozen islands and 22 historic sites and puts her through two hair-raising storms and even an earthquake.
Sofia suddenly finds out that she belongs to an ancient aristocratic family with its roots going back to the monarchy. She is now extremely rich, but the news comes with great danger.
In the near future, life on earth is destroyed except for a small area in Eastern Europe. Russian military fights off hoards of remaining humans controlled by aliens and work to prevent a successful invasion by an alien force set on conquering the plant.
Opération Okavango
Brennpunkt: Guds utvalde
On the island of Rocky Perch, security company owner Chuck Adoodledoo and his friends provide kung fu-style protection for their fellow bird citizens.