The events take place in a historical context, in the 11th century, where the leader of the Assassins, Hassan al-Sabah, and his leadership of the band that was famous for carrying out bloody assassinations of prominent figures at that stage.
دموع القمر
مطلوب عريس
لف وإرجع تاني
قرار وزير
Abdo the charioteer's life becomes beset by a series of hurdles as he grapples with oppression and a fierce quest for love in old Damascus.
لام شمسية
وتقابل حبيب
فهد البطل
جاني في المنام
إش إش
سيد الناس
حكيم الباشا
In this docuseries, journalist Ahmed Al-Shugairi highlights recent developments in Saudi Arabia's different sectors, from fish farming to tourism
Fed up with his wife’s distancing from him, Hadi goes on a business trip to Turkey where he meets a special woman, an encounter that changes his life forever.
Dengi Dengine
A few Kuwaiti students leave in the 50's to the University of Cairo in Egypt, the land of art and openness and experience exceptional love stories.
ظُلم المصطبة
منتهي الصلاحية