The short-lived variety show, hosted by Gene Di Novi on piano and vocalist Jodie Drake, offered a captivating blend of music and conversation in its half-hour format. Renowned musicians like Clark Terry, Joe Venuti, Gene Lees, and Phyllis Marshall graced the show as guests, showcasing the best in jazz. The rhythm section boasted talents like Michel Donato on bass and Jerry Fuller on drums, enriching the performances. Produced in Toronto by Bob Gibbons, the series highlighted exceptional musical collaborations and remains a testament to the era's jazz brilliance.
Jackie Gleason and His American Scene Magazine
Donny & Marie is an American variety show which aired on ABC from January 1976 to January 1979. The show stars brother and sister pop duo Donny Osmond and Marie Osmond. Donny had first become popular singing in a music group with his brothers, The Osmonds, and Marie was one of the youngest singers to reach #1 on the Billboard Country Music charts. The siblings were offered a weekly show by ABC-TV President Fred Silverman after he saw the duo co-host a week on The Mike Douglas Show which followed their series of popular remakes of oldies, such as "I'm Leaving It Up To You", "Morning Side Of The Mountain", "Deep Purple" and "Make The World Go Away". Donny and Marie were the youngest entertainers in TV history to host their own variety show. A year later, The Keane Brothers would break this record.
Graffiti Rock was a hip-hop based television program, originally screened June 29, 1984. Intended as an on-going series, the show only received one pilot episode and aired on WPIX channel 11 in New York City and 88 markets around the country, to good Nielsen ratings. Graffiti Rock resembled a hip hop version of the popular television dance shows at the time such as Soul Train and American Bandstand. The show was created and hosted by Michael Holman, who was the manager of the popular break-dancing crew, the New York City Breakers. The episode features Run D.M.C., Shannon, The New York City Breakers, DJ Jimmie Jazz and Kool Moe Dee and Special K of the Treacherous Three. The New York City Breakers, who were fresh off of their success from the movie, Beat Street, made a showcase appearance. The episode also features television and film actress, Debi Mazar and actor/director Vincent Gallo as dancers on the show. A segment of the show was sampled on The Beastie Boys' LP Ill Communication. "[...] alright, you're scratchin it right now, cut the record back and forth against the needle, back and forth, back and forth, make it scratch, but let me tell you something don't try this at home on your dad's stereo only under hiphop supervision, alright ?" The show has since become an important 'must-see' for hip-hop enthusiasts, alongside such titles as Wild Style and Beat Street.
Buona Domenica
"Lee Mujin Service" is a high-quality live content in which MZ generation's representative singer-songwriter Lee Mu-jin, along with other artists, provides the best music service that catches the eyes and ears of music fans around the world.
Caduta Libera
Ask the participants, “What kind of person is she or he?” Depending on what kind of relationship you are in with them, they think differently about you. The participants are the people around you. In this show, each week, new guest appears with their participants. Participants with different sight gather together and watch the guest’s real-life video with four emcees, Lee Su Geun, Jang Do Yeon, DinDin, and JR. In between the video stops and the participants has to guess the guest’s next move and the guest bet money on the improving relationship fund. The next move is unexpected. A game of guessing their everyday lives begins now.
Join comedians Marie Faustin, Zack Fox, Sandy Honig and rapper Fat Tony every night, live from VICE's headquarters in Brooklyn.
Chi ha incastrato Peter Pan?
Resto Umile World Show
22/7 検算中
In a society that puts the spotlight on the smart guys only, there are people who do not have a grain of common sense. In this knowledge-talk show, these problematic people get locked up in a rooftop house and are allowed to go home only if they get 10 questions right.
Each week, in front of a fired-up audience, personalities from all areas come on Ti-Mé’s show for an hour of comedy and quirks. A variety show where interviews, sketches, musical performances and surprising presentations are intertwined. Ti-Mé is interested in everyone but is not impressed by anyone.
Eunchae's Star Diary is a web variety series by Hong Eunchae from LE SSERAFIM. The first episode premiered on March 16, 2023 with a prologue episode.
Within comedy circles, Maya Rudolph and Martin Short are considered two of the best sketch performers in the business. This series will feature sketches that spoof current events, celebrities and topical trends, as well as musical performances.
Comedian Jason Manford hosts an exciting brand new fast-paced quiz show, where three couples face a series of 50/50 questions which hurtle The Answer Run down towards them.