Reunion is an American television series that aired on FOX in late 2005. The series was intended to chronicle 20 years in the lives of a group of six high school friends from Bedford, New York, with each episode following one year in the lives of the six, beginning with their high school graduation year 1986. Each episode also featured scenes in the present where Detective Marjorino is investigating the brutal murder of one of the group during the night of their 20-year class reunion in 2006. The identity of the murder victim was not revealed until the fifth episode, "1990". Due to low ratings, the series was canceled after only nine episodes, and the identity of the killer remained unrevealed in the aired episodes.
A horrific murder upends the Chicago Prosecuting Attorney's Office when one of its own is suspected of the crime—leaving the accused fighting to keep his family together.
Government tax lawyer Hye Sung meets Su Ha, who has the ability to read people's thoughts.
Bow returns to Thailand after she learns that her boyfriend, Pong, has cheated on her and has impregnated Vithinee who he is now going to marry. Vithinee is the sickly, younger sister of the vineyard owning male lead, Tos. He is extremely protective of her.
A prosecutor who started his career as a newspaper reporter faces a life-changing event when his father dies in an unexplained accident, and his mother takes her own life. With his life shattered in pieces, he will stop at nothing to discover what happened and get revenge.
When Kang Bok-Soo was a high school student, he was falsely accused of committing violence and kicked out of school. This was caused by his first love Son Soo-Jung and a male student Oh Se-Ho. Kang Bok-Soo is a now an adult, but his life has not gone smoothly. To get revenge on Son Soo-Jung and Oh Se-Ho, he returns to the same high school as a student. The environment at the school has changed and Kang Bok-Soo gets involved in unexpected cases.
Kang Woo is a talented college student who is studying the fine arts. Strange things begin to happen when his girlfriend, Wol Ha, and a few friends come to visit him at his family's mountain cabin.
In an alternate-reality South Korea, where a constitutional monarchical system prevails, Oh Sunny, a musical actress, becomes the empress of the country. Thus begins a dispute for power in the royal palace. Nothing is what it seems, and Oh Sunny is ready to fight until the end to uncover a mysterious homicide within the royal palace, fighting to protect those she loves the most and obtain happiness.
A pet groomer at a salon in Shirogane, Nogami Meiko has a lot of celebrity dog-lovers as customers. She cheerfully serves customers with care, and her skills are tried and tested. The salon's owner, Kotomi, has a strong faith in her, and she is admired by her colleagues. Meiko leads a quiet and fulfilling life... however, there is another side to her. She has a plan for revenge that she must accomplish. In truth, when she was 19, she was imprisoned for murder but there was also another side to this case. And just as she's about to execute her plan, she meets a man named Mashima Takuro. She acts mysteriously around him and for some reason, he makes her feel better. Is he the only miscalculation to her? Or a reckoning?
Tracy Whitney was in love, pregnant and engaged to marry into one of America's best family. And then, with one phone call, she lost everything. After 5 years of unjust imprisonment, Tracy emerges from prison a new woman. Cunning. Ruthless. Determined to survive. But there is one man as formidable as she is. As their paths crisscross, they eventually become daredevil partners in an adventure that climaxes their criminal careers.
Bai Ge, He Xu, and Li Li came to an emotional group with their own problems to ask for help. He Xu recently stumbled upon her "perfect partner" shopping with other women; Li Li wanted to protect her harassed daughter, but instead became deeply estranged from her; Bai Ge was trapped in a dreamy love. Is this intersection among the three people's lives a coincidence, or is it a well-planned encounter?
Mootha, the naive and innocent twin, left her rural home and went to Bangkok to work. Her co-worker, Veekit, liked her but was heartbroken when she wanted to be only friends. Mootha had fallen for the charms of her philandering boss, Janepop, who is married with three children. Janepop tricked Mootha into an affair, and when his wife found out, she publicly humiliated Mootha at work. The sensitive Mootha returned to her family home, depressed over not being able to be with her love and committed suicide. She died the day her identical twin sister Moonin returned from abroad. Moonin felt guilty over her sister’s suicide and decided to avenge her meaningless death.
Fame decides to audition for the famous idol group "Newtype" to find the truth about the death of her sister Farn, a former member of the group. She need to change herself from a rock girl to fit into Newtype, with the help of Kla. Her investigation led her to witness that many members of the group have violated their own rules. This entire experience also created a conflict with her rocker boyfriend Ble, who does not like the fact that they are in a secret relationship What will Fame do? And what will she choose between her relationship and finding out the truth?
Hell-bent on exacting revenge and proving he was framed for his sister's murder, Álex sets out to unearth much more than the crime's real culprit.
A grieving mother is accused of identifying online the man she believes killed her son. But is he really a notorious child murderer or a tragic victim of mistaken identity?
The court system is corrupted and old-fashioned. People desire a new system that can satisfy the crowds. However, are the crowds always correct? The drama shows how judges discover the truth about people in court. It centers around a chief judge who doesn’t believe in justice, but only makes judgements that the crowds will be satisfied with. An assistant judge starts to question his motives and tries to find the truth.
An anthology series written and directed by the most famous names in horror.
A TV mini-series adaptation of the classic Alexandre Dumas novel. Edmond Dantes is unjustly sent to prison for 18 years. He escapes to reclaim his fiancée Mercedes and revenge against his nemesis, Mondego.