Charles and Peter have passed their law degree and are looking forward to wooing a few girls in the country. For that, they need a chaperone and persuade their fellow student Ditlev to play Charles's aunt from Brazil. Ditlev has a talent for acting and takes the role very seriously, but when Charles's real aunt turns up, things get complicated.
A romantic comedy set in the world of gambling, debt collecting and professional boxing. Laura is an unlucky gambler with a huge debt, she crosses paths with Claus, a former boxer who now makes a living as a debt collector. Laura is cheating, scamming, and lying and eventually life catches up with her. Claus is trying to regain his self respect and start anew. Together, they make an awkward but very charming couple on the verge of love. It is a story about trust, friendship, new beginnings, getting a second chance and doing the right thing.
Tony has recently been released from a sentence for violent behaviour. He promises to improve his ways and is finally granted a few hours alone with his two children. They celebrate the reunion by going to the movies to see a new film by the famous, critically acclaimed Danish director Claus Volter. But the film is not the masterpiece it is said to be on the poster; the children are crying and Tony cannot get the money back he spent on tickets and candy. Tony does not give up; he seeks out Claus Volter in order to get an explanation and a refund. It is however easier said than done to get money out of a world-renowned filmmaker.
The Olsen gang in Jutland. Ones again Egon Olsen has a plan when he gets out of Vridslose State Prison. He has found out that the Germans left a large sum of money (in American dollars and gold bars) in one of their commando bunkers, when they were defeated in 1945; the only problem it's in Jutland. Egon, Benny and Kjeld "appropriate" a car and drives to Jutland along with Kjelds wife and child Yvonne and Borge. They look forward to fooling the the people in Jutland, but of course, things don't go quite as planed. It ends with Benny, Kjeld, Borge and Yvonne sitting in the train back to Copenhagen, were they are overtaken by Egon in his car on the road next to the track. This is the last time the Olsen gang goes to Jutland.
Det hændte i København
A boy explores the hidden depths of his bathtub in a grey world dominated by boring adults.
The celebrated actor George Bergmann has four divorces behind him. When his four former wives get the impression that he is cozying up to a very young actress, they feel that they must take action. However, this leads to various misunderstandings and complications, which partly involves the former wives' new men and partly the young girl's strict parents.
The German bear Fido from Münich is sweet, easygoing and nice, and just loves Danish soldiers. Thus, the bear marches together with the recruits and even wants to share their beds in this strange Danish comedy.
Friends at Arms: On Autumn Exercises
Can we Danes learn something from the always confident Americans? According to Simon Talbot, who has been touring the United States in the hope of the big breakthrough. This has made Simon smarter on Americans, politics and comedy. A knowledge he will now use to 'Make Denmark Great Again'. In the one-man show of the same name, Talbot offers funny and embarrassing video clips from his American escapades, in which he has appeared in the hunt for 'The American Dream' at everything from taco shops to major venues - but has repeatedly had to prove that the meeting between Danish and American humor is not always a match.
Komponisten Jørgen Rhoders lever livet let, i hvert fald hvis man spørger hans søn Per. Per og hans stedsøster, Ulla, beslutter sig for at give deres far lidt modgang, således at hans kompositioner kan blive bedre. Jørgen snyder dog børnene og først da børnene får gjort forældrene uvenner ser det ud til at lysne. I mellemtiden tror Ulla, at Per er forelsket i Lily.
I en lille sjællandsk landsby, hvor alt tilsyneladende er lutter idyl, lever syersken Bolette Jensen, en djærv kvinde, som har gjort sine bitre erfaringer og nu er frygtet for sin skarpe tunge. Bolette plejer at sige sin mening uden omsvøb, og da sandheden som bekendt er ilde hørt, er hun ikke synderlig afholdt af sognets magthavere, hvis mest fremtrædende skikkelse er sognerådsformanden Peter Enevoldsen. Bolette får en alvorlig opgave, da den unge kønne Sofie skal have barn, og Bolette tager sig straks af den ulykkelige pige og lover, at hun nok skal komme til at spadsere op ad kirkegulvet med sin Karl.
Det Støver Stadig er den anden film i den populære "Støv-serie" (Støv På Hjernen, Støv For Alle Pengene). Atter stod Arvid Müller og Aage Stentoft for det festlige manuskript, der introducerede nye sæder og skikke på det danske boligmarked. Man genkender let det lille samfund i "sovebyen", men store omvæltninger har fundet sted siden sidst, for beboerne på Solvænget har - med kommunestøtte - købt den ejendom, de bor i, og (- så kom noget, dengang, helt nyt) hustruerne har måttet tage arbejde for at klare økonomien! Helt forrygende er fru Rigmor Hansen (Bodil Udsen) som bestyrerinde af et Quick-vaskeri. Hendes "sandheder" om det nye dagligliv i Danmark sidder klokkeklart - og er evigt unge. Ejendommens første generalforsamling med gutterne i opgangen - og aflæggelse af første års regnskab, er gyldne scener fra dansk familiefilms guldalder.
Det var paa Rundetaarn
Crime writer Rodian moves into a hotel which used to be the hideout for the thief Mathisen and his gang. However, when Rodian has gone to bed and fallen asleep, Mathisen reads the writer's manuscripts and copies the fictional crimes. This gets Rodian in trouble...
The story centers around the busybody housewives of a modern Danish working class neighborhood of the 1960's. A remake of the Norwegian comedy film from 1959.
Dust for all the Money
De sjove aar
Life in Solby is nice and peaceful until one day Mitcho and Sebastian find a message in a bottle by the harbour. The bottle is from the missing mayor of Solby with a message that he is on a mysterious island and has made a great discovery. Now they must embark on a perilous journey to help save the mayor and bring him home, and in the process they uncover something that will bring great pleasure to the city of Solby – a giant pear.