Oscar Winning documentary short about antique mechanical toys.
For those of us who remember when toys were made of paper, or cardboard that intricately folded and unfolded to make designs we could play with, this starts off quite interestingly. Toys were made to augment our imagination rather than to replace it. As this short feature progresses it takes us further from that imagination driven world - from the perspective of the user, and takes us more into the mind of the toymakers as they come up with ever more imaginative ones that had wheels, could be wound up - they could even move on their own. Tin and plastic replaced wood and paper and yet one thing remained a constant. For the most part these carefully crafted items were used then discarded. Perhaps into an attic or a box in the garage, perhaps just thrown in the rubbish? Sometimes the survivors provided later for a bit of adult nostalgia and it's that part of this curiously scored narrative that maybe resonates most. How many of us still have toys from our childhood - and what do they mean to us? Sadly, the production itself isn't the best and the narration adds little, but the sentiment rings true at times.