The story is based on the life of Vishvamitra, who is one of the most venerated sages of ancient times in India. At last, Vishwamitra penance power reaches to heights of Himalayas where he utilizes it to the welfare of the universe by preaching great Gayatri Mantra and the movie ends Vishwamitra becoming one among the stars of the universe at Saptarishi Mandalam.
Androcles and the Lion
A modern-day take on the Hindu Chiranjeevi, who as per mythology used to live on earth from Satyug to the current Kalyug.
Former best friends Everett and Marlow embark on a road trip to Canada to fulfill a long-lost dream, finding it difficult to move on in life when there is so much left unsaid from the past.
A bounty hunter in a post apocalyptic wasteland is hired to track down an outlaw. But he's not the only one out looking for her, and the job is nothing like he expected.
Collector Gari Alludu
Kondaveeti Rowdy
Two best friends drive their way together, following their GPS, not knowing whether it's on the way to disaster.
Arm, a young singer has escaped the chaos to Samui Island because his girlfriend Pom, dumped. Arm met Wapee and fell together But both love did not end happily like both of them. When Pom returns to the disease and ends the life In the midst of the deepest regret Although the last Pom will return to him But his heart has just Wapee, even though she is not already.
A married woman visits her lover.
When Park Ranger Anthony discovers critical levels of toxic air pollution in his national park, he must rally public attention and challenge a powerful industry to protect the environment and public health.
Detective Dee and The Pact with the Underworld Gods
After her husbands untimely passing, a religious mother becomes negatively obsessed with her gay son and his lifestyle. Tragedy and murder ensue.
Love comes without asking. Often not to those, not so and not then. Can a genuine feeling survive when everything started wrong and the whole world is against it? Give up everything or give up? Burn or survive?
A biography of the esteemed Indian singer-composer Sudhir Phadke.
Based on A. Chekov's play of the same name.