The Red Violin

Rhombus Media

Drama Thriller Mystery
130 min     7.4     1998     Austria


300 years of a remarkable musical instrument. Crafted by the Italian master Bussotti (Cecchi) in 1681, the red violin has traveled through Austria, England, China, and Canada, leaving both beauty and tragedy in its wake. In Montreal, Samuel L Jackson plays an appraiser going over its complex history.


atpar4 wrote:
If you're passionate about music, and history, if violins make you weak in the knees, and if you like a timeless love story, The Red Violin won't disappoint.
JPV852 wrote:
This is one I've watched a few times over the years and still like it quite a bit. Solid performances, at least from I can tell as at times I can't tell when it's in other languages, though while I like Samuel L. Jackson in his role, there were a couple Jackson-ism lines that felt out of place. Still, the filmmakers did a great job showing this violin throughout the 200 years worldwide journey. **3.75/5**
