Black Hole High is a Canadian science fiction television program which first aired in North America in October 2002 on NBC and Discovery Kids. It is set at the fictional boarding school of the title, where a Science Club investigates mysterious phenomena, most of which is centered around a wormhole located on the school grounds. Spanning four seasons, the series developed into a success, and has been sold to networks around the globe. Created by Jim Rapsas, the series intertwines elements of mystery, drama, romance, and comedy. The writing of the show is structured around various scientific principles, with emotional and academic struggles combined with unfolding mysteries of a preternatural nature. In addition to its consistent popularity among children, it has been recognised by adults as strong family entertainment. Forty-two episodes of the series, each roughly twenty-five minutes in length, have been produced, the last three of which premiered in January 2006. Those three final episodes that aired were combined into a film, Strange Days: Conclusions. The show was filmed at the Auchmar Estate on the Hamilton Escarpment in Hamilton, Ontario.
Into every generation a slayer is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wield the strength and skill to fight the vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness; to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their number. She is the Slayer.
Imaginative boy Ben transforms his city by bringing colorful street art to life, armed with a magic paintbrush -- and the classic sounds of Motown.
Love is unusual for Koizumi Risa and Ootani Atsushi, who are both striving to find their ideal partner in high school—172 cm tall Koizumi is much taller than the average girl, and Ootani is much shorter than the average guy at 156 cm.
The Archie Show is a Saturday morning cartoon animated series produced by Filmation. Based on the Archie comic books, created by Bob Montana in 1941, The Archie Show debuted on CBS in September 1968 and lasted for one season. A total of 17 half-hour shows, each containing two 11 minute segments, were aired. Archie cartoons continued to be aired in various forms until 1978.
Two spaceships, one manned by benevolent Maximals, the other by evil Predacons, crash-land on a pre-humanoid planet while en route to Earth. Their crews assume indigenous animal forms to protect themselves from an overabundance of natural energy, transforming into robots to do battle. Thus, the Beast Wars have begun...
Ouran High is a school for the extremely wealthy or, in Haruhi's case, the extremely talented. But no amount of talent will help when Haruhi accidentally drops an eight million yen vase in a music room. The vase was the property of Ouran High School Host Club, a group of attractive young men who, for a fee, provide their time and affections for their lovesick clientele: the female students. Fascinated by this strange new specimen, a poor and clumsy commoner, they force Haruhi to work for them until the debt is repaid; but they get a lot more than they bargained for...
As her 16th birthday approaches, a not-so-average teen rediscovers the fiery powers she's long suppressed and is forced to face her demons — literally.
With just one bite, a mysterious homemade cookie turns dreams into reality, but it takes over the elite high school, and deadly consequences await.
Using his knowledge of today’s animal kingdom and the latest research, wildlife adventurer Nigel Marven uses a time portal to take him into the past, on a quest to rescue long lost prehistoric creatures.
Aoi prefers indoor hobbies and is afraid of heights, but her childhood friend Hinata loves to show off her passion for mountain climbing. As young children they once watched the sunrise from the top of a mountain, and now they've decided to take up mountain climbing in hopes of seeing that sunrise again. They have cooking battles with mountaineering gear, climb small hills in their neighborhood, and meet new mountaineering friends as they learn the ropes of the hobby. When will they finally see that sunrise again?
On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman discovers she has magical powers. She lives with her 600-year-old aunts Hilda and Zelda as well as talking cat Salem in the fictional town of Westbridge, Massachusetts.
The story follows a group of high school girls who are in the 'Going-Home Club'. Instead of doing regular club activities, the 'Going-Home Club' is dedicated to having as much fun as possible, by doing such things as playing video games or even simply feeding pigeons in the park.
Churuya is a girl with a strong passion for smoked cheese. But Kyon and the rest of the crew know this, and they make use of the weakness. They make her do all kinds of things with smoked cheese as a possible reward. But Churuya isn't aware of this evil plot, thus she maintains the effort for the sake of cheese. Each day is a struggle to get the beloved smoked cheese, but it's much harder than she could ever imagine!
Living his best life in post-apocalyptic LA, a slacker strives to find the girl of his dreams while outwitting mindless ghouls and cliquish gangs.
Otonokizaka High School is planning to close within three years. However, nine female students come together with one thing in mind—form a pop idol group to revive the school’s popularity and keep it from shutting down. 'In order to protect our beloved school, there’s only one thing we can do...become pop stars!'
Early 20th-century adventurers find themselves fighting for survival after their hot-air balloon crashes into a remote part of the Amazon, stranding them on a prehistoric plateau.
Gifted with special powers, fighting skills and slick hair, the rowdy KO One navigates tough friendships and high school romance.
Based in Jacksonville, Oregon in the year 1992, life changes for the worst. People start going crazy, violent, cannibalistic, tearing the world apart. We follow Erin, a quiet young teenager through a post-apocalyptic world. Facing struggles not even your worst enemy should face. Mystery and menace have taken control of their lives. From getting ripped apart, broken down, hurt and scared. Erin and Jacob always find their way back to each other.
Jenny, aka XJ-9, is a super-powered robot with a super-sensitive teenage heart. Her primary function is protecting the planet from disaster, but – like all teenagers – she has her own ideas about how she would like to live her life. Bored with being a superhero, Jenny wants to do something really exciting – like go to high school!