The Witcher: Blood Origin

Every story has a beginning.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Action & Adventure Drama
English     6.717     2022     Poland


More than a thousand years before the world of The Witcher, seven outcasts in the elven world unite in a blood quest against an unstoppable power.


MovieGuys wrote:
Once again another off the mark series from Netflix. I have long given up my subscription but caught a little of this, at a motel, whilst of on holiday. Well, enough at least to know that I wont be watching more than the first episode. The Witcher: Blood Origin seems more concerned, to me at least, with playing woke politics, rather than with its actual business, which is to be entertaining. A good cast can't save this series from coming across as shallow, motivated by something other than a desire to tell a compelling story. In summary, yes, companies can push woke-ness all they like but the real question is, will people pay to watch? If I'm anything to go by, the answers a resounding "no".
- wrote:
The only thing holding the "Original" Witcher series together were Jaskier, and Henry Cavill, the only 2 actors that were even remotely well casted, as for the rest, well...
Let alone the story, they went kinda off-board with the story as well, for no reason whatsoever..
Yes the games did this too, but that was probably because they wouldn't be too heavy on the narration, which might not have fit so well in a videogame. There is no such excuse for a tv series however.
Now, you might think well, surely netflix must've learned at least SOMETHING of all the previous criqitue right? Surely, they'd hold on to their strong points and try to fix their mishaps right?
They decided to throw out the last goodwill they had, doubled down on everything they did wrong and so produced this vile amalgamation of a "show"
