Reunion is an American television series that aired on FOX in late 2005. The series was intended to chronicle 20 years in the lives of a group of six high school friends from Bedford, New York, with each episode following one year in the lives of the six, beginning with their high school graduation year 1986. Each episode also featured scenes in the present where Detective Marjorino is investigating the brutal murder of one of the group during the night of their 20-year class reunion in 2006. The identity of the murder victim was not revealed until the fifth episode, "1990". Due to low ratings, the series was canceled after only nine episodes, and the identity of the killer remained unrevealed in the aired episodes.
After the school bus breaks, the Freesia Academy students end up spending the night in a village in the middle of nowhere. But back at school, sinister things begin to happen. "In 7 days, we will be gone from this world".
Set in Qingdao from the 1990s to the early 2000s, the drama follows the ups and downs of Chen Yiduo, Bi Laifu, and their friends during the decade. It depicts the inspirational story of a group of young people in the 90s who grow up and struggle in their youth and pursue a better life amidst the changes of the times.
Eriko and her friends Yuma and Ayano are excited about entering high school. Their excitement leads to their breaking of the rules when they toured the school before the opening ceremony. They find out their preconceptions about the all female school may not be as true as they had first thought. Despite that, Eriko and her friends are joined by new friends. They aim to get through high school life together.
When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America ... and he taught them how to kill it. Now, the Winchester brothers crisscross the country in their '67 Chevy Impala, battling every kind of supernatural threat they encounter along the way.
Traverse a post-apocalyptic world in which a cataclysmic event decimates every mammal with a Y chromosome but for one cisgender man and his pet monkey. Follow the survivors in this new world as they struggle with their efforts to restore what was lost and the opportunity to build something better.
After the Apocalypse doesn't happen, Tomas tries to recover his past life, with little success, while Julia sees in the Non-End of the World a second chance to change her life. Their paths, opposites, will have to converge in the only thing that unites them right now: their daughter Noa.
Based in Jacksonville, Oregon in the year 1992, life changes for the worst. People start going crazy, violent, cannibalistic, tearing the world apart. We follow Erin, a quiet young teenager through a post-apocalyptic world. Facing struggles not even your worst enemy should face. Mystery and menace have taken control of their lives. From getting ripped apart, broken down, hurt and scared. Erin and Jacob always find their way back to each other.
When the Mayans predicted the end of times, almost two thousand years ago, they didn't care because they had yet so much time to enjoy. But the times have changed. And as the apocalyptic day comes, December 21st 2012, Katia embraces the prophecy and lives her life as the world is going to end. The character wants to enjoy the end of the world to do everything she ever wanted in life, but she never got to, including revenges, sexual and romantic fantasies. In her attempt of doing everything on her list of to-do's, she ends up meeting Ernani. And, together, they both try to live their lives as there's no tomorrow.
Odyssey 5 is a Canadian science fiction series that first ran in 2002 on Showtime in the United States and on Space in Canada. Odyssey 5 is the brainchild of Manny Coto, who served as a script-writer and executive producer during the series run. Through his website and in interviews, Coto has expressed his interest in returning to the series at some point, either continuing it or giving it a conclusion.
With a cosmic explosion threatening Earth's existence, the residents of the picturesque small town of Milford have taken their lives to the extreme: quitting jobs, indulging vices and basically living as if today were their last. The Montgomery family is no exception. Janet Montgomery's husband abandoned his family to climb the seven largest peaks in the world, her daughter Lydia has taken up witchcraft to help save the Earth and her 17 year old son Alex gets involved with the older next door neighbor.
One morning, the high school student Takashi Komuro enjoys the silence at school when he's suddenly interrupted by strange noises and a shaky-legged person who tries to enter the school grounds. Subsequently, several teachers come to the school gate to shoo the person away. All of a sudden, a teacher is bitten by the person and within seconds the school campus becomes a place of violence, blood, death and undead zombies. Takashi, shocked by the scenery, runs for his life to save his schoolmates and childhood love, Rei Miyamoto. The struggle for survival has just begun…
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
Into every generation a slayer is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wield the strength and skill to fight the vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness; to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their number. She is the Slayer.
Don't Panic! The story of Arthur Dent, an average Englishman who life was spared by his friend, who turned out to be an alien, while the planet Earth is destroyed. His friend tells him about the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a guide with anything you ever needed, and wanted to know. They travel across the galaxy, meeting friendly, and not so friendly characters in order to find the great question (the answer being 42).
A strange signal appears to tell the US military to fire Nuclear weapons on themselves following an extinction level event message with origins from outside our world.
A documentary crew follows the stories of nine classmates during their high school years in Austin, Texas, and then revisits them ten years later to examine how far they have come.
At the end of the world, Josh McManus, a man with a violent past and prophesied future, is reluctantly drawn into the final battle of good vs evil.
After disaster strikes the Earth, a marine biologist on a research mission in a submarine must fight to advance the process into a conspiracy.
A retired FBI serial-profiler joins the mysterious Millennium Group, a team of underground ex-law enforcement experts dedicated to fighting against the ever-growing forces of evil and darkness in the world.