Batman: Caped Crusader

Warner Bros. Animation

Animation Crime Action & Adventure
English     7.41     2024     USA


Welcome to Gotham City, where the corrupt outnumber the good, criminals run rampant and law-abiding citizens live in a constant state of fear. Forged in the fire of tragedy, wealthy socialite Bruce Wayne becomes something both more and less than human—the Batman. His one-man crusade for justice attracts unexpected allies within the GCPD and City Hall, but his heroic actions spawn deadly, unforeseen ramifications.


TornadoPower wrote:
Given the talent behind this show (except for Jar Jar Abrams), it could've been great. Instead all it does is follow a bunch of diversity guidelines. It's not only boring, but all the people are drawn quite ugly and look disgusting, especially compared to Batman TAS (which it tries to imitate in terms of visual style, but really poorly). I'm a huge fan of the '90s-'00s DCAU and was expecting something at least a little bit similar, considering the fact that Bruce Timm is involved, but it seems that I was extremely wrong.
GenerationofSwine wrote:
Animation, the key word there is Animation, as in animated, as in movement... which this doesn't seem to have. It's like all the characters are playing a game of statue. It looked good, but nothing moved. And that was my only complaint, it was only a small complaint.... but....then... a female body positive trans Penguin? That's where they lost me. Could the rest of it be good? Maybe... maybe not, but I'm sick to death of all the forced messaging. So they lost me because of it. Sorry, but there is SOOO much content, there are so many TV shows, so many movies made before the forced woke politics that I couldn't watch it all... so I don't need to watch Batman: Caped Crusader. I can watch something else, something without the forced messaging. I don't need to watch anything that pushes that crap... but they need me, their industry is failing. I gave it a shot, and they lost me immediately when they forced their politics on the Penguin. I unapologetically walked away and I will just stay away.
Sejian wrote:
First, why is this even a thing we need in 2024? Did DC look at Marvel's X-Men '97 and decide "Whoa, Nelly! We need to jump on this train and we need to do it now!" Second, Pingwing isn't transgender, she's gender-swapped. At least get your outrage correct. The transphobia just never ends, does it? "[...] a female body positive trans Penguin" that's a lot of words. Would we have gotten the same stellar criticism for the regular ole body positive male Pingwing? Third, this is the fourth series I'm reviewing in about as many days and they've all been boring. What is going on? Can I find something not boring to watch, please? The writing is bad, the voice acting isn't great and the animation is "meh". The one thing I am offended by is Harley's villain persona now being bland and emotionless. Civilian Harley is fine but villain Harley needs some Skittles or something!
