That's My Bush! is an American comedy television series that aired on Comedy Central from April 4 to May 23, 2001. Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, best known for also creating South Park, the series centers on the fictitious personal life of President George W. Bush, as played by Timothy Bottoms. Carrie Quinn Dolin played Laura Bush, and Kurt Fuller played Karl Rove. Despite the political overtones, the show itself was actually a broad lampoon of American sitcoms, including lame jokes, a laugh track, and stock characters such as klutzy bimbo secretary Princess, know-it-all maid Maggie, and supposedly helpful "wacky" next-door neighbor Larry.
A Colombian snob forays into the uncharted territories of dirty politics and true love while attempting to pass a test to inherit the family business.
Through two films, this documentary reveals the creation and disintegration, within our own time, of a neighbouring European State named Yugoslavia. Part One covers the 1918-1980 period. Part Two covers the 1980-2001 period.
A retired businessman runs for mayor of Los Angeles to prove he's "still got it." Once he wins, he has to figure out what he stands for, gain the respect of his biggest critic and connect with his teenage daughter, all while trying to get anything right for America's second weirdest city.
It has been several centuries since human population has declined. Food has become harder to find and what little sources the humans have are considered highly valuable. The most prosperous species on the Earth are "Fairies", 10 cm tall creatures with high intelligence and a great love for sweets. A nameless girl, the main character, became a UN arbitrator between the humans and the fairies and had returned to her hometown to help her grandfather. One day, the village is sent some strange products made by a company called FairyCo. Since the villagers are wary of using the products, the girl, her grandfather, and a nameless boy decide to go to the factory to find out about the mysterious products and who is behind making them.
Les coulisses du pouvoir
Charlie Lawrence is an American sitcom that aired from June 15 until June 22, 2003.
El Privilegio de Mandar was a successful Mexican political parody broadcast by Televisa on Canal de las Estrellas. It started as a sketch on another Televisa show, called La Parodia, that parodies political, social and cultural events happening in Mexico. High ratings kept the show running. It was first broadcast on October 25, 2004, during La Parodia. Soon, the high success of the program encouraged the producers to separate it from the other show, so on January 3, 2005, it became an independent show. Televisa broadcast what is considered the last episode of the series on July 9, 2006, just after the federal elections in Mexico. However, some of the actors who performed leading roles stated that in a few years, when political events have advanced, they will make a return to see how things are.
Satirical television program aired from November 4 to December 18, 2002. The transmission was intended to shed light on a case (of course fantasy) of a missing person, Mario Scafroglia. The hypothesis was that the man had voluntarily lost track of himself, which offered in each episode new food for thought to deepen in a satirical way themes of current affairs, politics and costume, in an attempt to understand the reasons that had driven Scafroglia to flee.
Neues aus der Anstalt is a political cabaret program on German television station ZDF, hosted by Urban Priol and Frank-Markus Barwasser, who replaced Georg Schramm. Broadcast monthly since 2007, it usually features three guest cabaret artists in addition to the hosts.
When the United States of America was founded, the ideals of freedom and equality did not apply to all people. These are the stories of the brave Americans who fought to right the nation’s wrongs and enshrine the values we hold most dear into the Constitution — with liberty and justice for all.
100 Indecisos
America's first and longest running hour-long nightly news broadcast known for its in-depth coverage of issues and current events.
Fale Mais Sobre Isso, Iozzi
Exploring Ballet School Controversies: Our team delves into allegations of bullying and body image issues surrounding two prestigious ballet institutions in the UK - The Royal Ballet in London and Elmhurst in Birmingham.
Stephen Fry and John Bird star as spin doctors Charles Prentiss and Martin McCabe as they bring the popular and satirical Radio 4 comedy Absolute Power to BBC Two. Stephen as Prentiss and John as McCabe are an unscrupulous pair who run the blue chip PR agency Prentiss McCabe. Dealing with commercial as well as personal PR, their remit covers everything from political communications to celebrity media relations. Their manipulation skills are tested to the full as they frequently find that their work brings them into conflict with political parties, newspaper editors and celebrities.
Juan Carrasco is a nondescript Minister of Agriculture who must recognize that he has greater political ambitions due to a series of fortuitous political events, so he decides to run in the primary elections of his party, which may give him the opportunity to opt for the disputed position of President of the Spanish Government.
ABC's Sunday morning political affairs program, currently hosted by George Stephanopoulos.
Set in the corridors of power and spin, the Minister for Social Affairs is continually harassed by Number 10's policy enforcer and dependent on his not-so-reliable team of civil servants.
Satirical sitcom set in the office of a UK Cabinet minister, Jim Hacker MP, who struggles with Civil Service bureaucracy and political machinations as he tries to get on with government business.